Chapter 19 - Watch

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I had spent the last three days trying to get Tae to agree to go to the movies with me; it was like pushing shit up a hill. He can be very stubborn when he wants, and right now that's all he was giving me.

"Come on Tae," I whined, "I just want to spend time with you."

"Why don't you just go hang out with Jimin...I'm sure you two will get on famously," he snapped back.

"I don't want to go with Jimin, I want to go with you. You are always my first choice, don't you know that?!" I spoke, raising my voice a little too high from frustration.

"Finally! Now that wasn't too hard was it Kookie? Hmm?" He spoke walking off to get changed.

Aggh god he infuriates me! "Are you being serious right now Tae?! Did you just put all that on for a show?!" I yelled out.

"Shh Kookie, I can't decide what to wear while you're yelling like that. Go make yourself a drink, I'll be out in a minute."

He is unbelievable! 

I sat down at the table with a glass of cola; impatiently waiting for Tae to get dressed. "Come on Tae! We're going to be late!"

"Alright, alright. I'm here. Now come on, we don't want to be late," he said with a smirk. 


We sat down with a big bucket of popcorn to share, and our ice creams and drinks. The movie theatre was almost empty except for a few couples seated towards the front. Tae had opted to sit in the last row because he said the view was better.

The movie started; Avengers: End game

As the movie played, I observed Tae looking around the room out of boredom. I must admit, he's not really into The Avengers like me; he is more into artsy-type films like Midnight in Paris.

But I noticed Tae's demeanor change, as he focused his eyes on something towards the right of the movie screen. Curiosity got the best of me, as I shifted my line of sight to follow his gaze. 

What the?!

It was Ara...with Jimin! They were sitting 3 rows back from the front; holding hands and snuggling into each other. I felt an instant pang of jealousy.

As I watched them, I saw Jimin lean over to her ear and whisper something; resulting in a giggle and a slap to Jimin's shoulder from Ara. The more I watched, the more I felt compelled to go over there. 

However, next to me Tae had an unusual smirk and a curious sparkle in his eyes; almost like he was enjoying watching them interact. 

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