Chapter 36 - Stay

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"Hey, Jungkookie...I miss you..." I sang out over the phone. "Are you missing me?"

"Of course I am Jimin-ah. When are you coming over? I've been waiting all day," he said with a small whine. "I'm on my way. I brought snacks for our movie night," I replied quickly.

Because this was our first date as actual boyfriends, I wanted to make a lasting impression. So I spent more than 30 minutes scouring the snack aisle at the supermarket; trying to find all the hidden gems that I knew he'd like. Food was his greatest love, followed closely by Ara, Taehyung and I.

When I pulled up at his house, I started removing all the bags from my car; lugging them slowly up to the front door. I rang the doorbell and ducked back to the car to collect the last of them. As Jungkook opened the door, his face lit up. "Jimin-ah, what did you do? Why have you bought the whole store?" He asked laughing. I dropped the last bags on the doorstep; "Well, I thought. Even if we don't eat them all tonight...we can always eat it next time."

Jungkook's face had an aha moment, as he realised what I really meant. "Are you hinting at something Jimin-ah?... What makes you think I'll let you come back to my house again?" He said with a teasing tone.

I just looked up and gave him my biggest smirk. Then I tilted my head and dragged my finger seductively across his lips; the flesh catching ever so slightly as it passed. I watched as his eyes grew wider, like a deer caught in the headlights. I leaned forward and whispered, "You'll never want me to leave once I've finished with you tonight."

He craned his neck suddenly away and gasped. " can you be so forward? Don't you know I'm an innocent boy?" He said mockingly. "Ohhh Jungkookie...we both know you aren't really innocent." I picked up some of the bags and brought them inside; side-eying him as I walked past. And I love you for it.

I dropped the bags on the floor in the living room and started sorting through them. I had purchased all of the very best snacks; chocolate-covered pretzel sticks, honey butter chips, cow candy and...banana milk, his absolute favourite.

Jungkook sat down beside me and grabbed a couple of items; munching on them enthusiastically. "This is actually awesome! You know me so well Jimin-ah." After eating a couple more seaweed crisps, he put down the packet and pulled me onto his lap. While he watched me, a big bunny smile filled his face. He placed his thumb and pointer finger on either side of my mouth and squeezed. I felt like a goldfish, as my lips poked out into a deranged pout. "Gosh, you're adorable... I love you so much," he said; eyes sparkling like a thousand stars.

He learned forward to place a big, sloppy kiss on my lips, and I suddenly felt like he had chosen me as his new favourite snack; the way he nibbled and licked at my lips. When he pulled away, a loud pop sound echoed in the room. "I could honestly kiss you all day, every day... Just move in and we'll make it happen," he said with a cheeky smile.

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