Chapter 33 - Twisted

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It was well after midnight by the time we had actually finished washing ourselves and I could feel my eyes growing heavy. I slipped into a random t-shirt and shorts and started collecting some extra blankets for the bed.

Tae was already spooning Jimin on one side of the king-sized bed, and Ara was on the other. She had passed out as soon as we got her from the bathroom; falling immediately into a deep sleep. We didn't have the heart to wake her, so we left her sprawled out on the mattress; covering her naked body with a cosy doona.

I grabbed a blanket and lay it delicately over the top of them, then I softly kissed each of their lips and wished them sweet dreams. As I lay behind Tae and wrapped my arm around him, I felt my heart mellow; how did I get so lucky?



My eyes fluttered open; my vision blurred from the sleep that clung to my eyelashes. Then as my focus cleared, I saw the most beautiful vision; Ara clinging to my chest, her naked skin glistening with a thin layer of sweat. I brushed a strand of hair from her eyes and kissed her hand; whispering "I love you." She stirred in her sleep and mumbled a string of incoherent words before her perfect, pillowy lips continued their soft snores. So sweet.

Then I noticed two sets of hands wrapped around my waist and shoulders; Taehyungie and Jungkookie. A soft smile touched my lips as I lay blanketed in their love; thanking God for granting my prayers.

Suddenly, a groan sounded from behind me, as Taehyung started waking up. "Goodmorning my dear Taehyungie," I said, turning around carefully; trying to not wake Ara or Jungkook. His puffy eyes blinked open and he pouted cutely. "What's with the frown?" I asked, kissing his eyelids.

"I don't want you to leave... It's Sunday..." He grumbled.

"Aww Taehyungie... We still have all day. Do you want me to make pancakes for breakfast?" He continued pouting but nodded his head. "Okay, my love," I responded as I unclamped Jungkook's arms from around my neck and moved off the bed. Tae immediately pulled Ara into his chest; placing a soft kiss to the crown of her head.


When I finished setting everything on the table, I went back to Tae's room to rouse everyone. As I walked in, I sighed internally; look at these beautiful creatures.

I walked over to Jungkook and placed a couple of kisses on his neck; stirring him from his sleep. "Goodmorning Jungkookie. I've made breakfast, you hungry?" I asked, rubbing his back with my hand.

"Mmm, Goodmorning Jimin-ah... I'm starving... Thank you." He rubbed his eyes with a yawn and stretched out on his back. Then he turned his head and smiled up at me, "I love you Jimin-ah." His sweet words melted my heart; "I love you too Jungkookie," I whispered as I leaned down to peck his precious lips. He tried to linger his lips longer, but I sat back up and nodded towards Taehyung.

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