Chapter 15 - Sorry

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It had been almost two days since Jungkook and I kissed. But all I thought of was how upset I had made Ara. 

I missed talking to her. I missed caressing her beautiful face in my hands. I missed the sparkle in her green eyes when she was excited or happy. Everything felt so lonely again.


After she kicked me out, I stood outside with Jungkook, awkwardly staring at the door. We both didn't know what to do. I felt like running back to the door and banging on it, in a desperate attempt at getting her to open the door again. I needed her forgiveness. But I didn't. Instead, I dropped my head as I turned toward Jungkook,  "Well, I guess we should go. She's not going to forgive us now."

I started to walk towards my car, but Jungkook grabbed my wrist. "Please don't go. I don't want to be alone," he said sorrowfully.

"I'm sorry Jungkook, I can't." I turned and got into my car. Not sparing a glance back to him as I drove off.

~Flashback end~

So here I am, laying in bed contemplating how stupid I had been. Okay, yes. I didn't plan on kissing him, but his eyes. His eyes had the same look as Ara's, and they pulled me in. I just wanted to feel the same love that I felt towards her. I wanted to be wanted... So stupid. I sighed, feeling the heaviness in my chest.


It was the afternoon, I had almost wasted another whole day, wallowing in my own self-pity. I just needed to hear her voice again. 

Jimin...typing: Hi Ara, I know I hurt you and I don't deserve your forgiveness. But I'm really sorry. Please can I see you? x

Message sent and not delivered.

Oh... She's blocked me... 

I leaned back into the pillow and scrunched my eyes tight, trying to hear her voice in my head but it was fading, like my memory of her. Even my own subconscious wants me to forget her... Well, that's not happening.

I got up and went to the shower. I washed myself clean from all the guilt and sadness I felt, before dressing and heading out. 


When I arrived at the coffee shop, I instantly regretted my decision. The amount of anxiety I felt was unbelievable. Jimin, you idiot! She doesn't deserve to be hurt by anyone, especially someone as selfish as you. Think of her first. 

I went to turn the ignition back on but faulted. No, I need to tell her how I feel.

I got out of the car, with my hands shaking, and walked inside. I saw her wiping down a table in the left corner of the room. It must have been closing time because her boss was nowhere in sight, and there were no customers either.

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