Chapter 57 - Tata

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When we pulled up at the chemist, Tae had a face of determination. "Alright, I need to get a few things. If you want you can stay here, or you can come," he said seriously. I opted to come, partly because I wanted to spend more time with him before he dropped me back, but partly because I was curious what 'things' he needed.

As we walked in, Tae grabbed a basket and v-lined for the baby area. He started scouring the shelves for something in particular, but I couldn't make out what it was. "What are you looking for?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. He barely looked up; "Umm, I just...I'm looking for a particular brand of...ah, there it is!" He started whipping bottles into the basket at record speed. I picked up a couple; "Seriously? I don't think I need 50 bottles of...Pregnancy Probiotics...and Pregnancy Multivitamin." He turned his head and eyed me; "Yes, you do... And don't let Jiminie hear you say that. He's even more particular than I am." Oh boy.

Suddenly, he moved towards another aisle; leaving me to chase after him. By the time I caught up, he was looking at thermometers. His level of concentration was something else. He picked up every single one and read the entire blurb on the back; mumbling things to himself before picking up the next one. After 5 minutes, he found one he approved of and dropped it in the basket.

"Right, one last thing," he said to himself in thought, before speeding off towards the Chemist's counter. "Excuse me, what is your most accurate pregnancy test kit?" He asked the lady behind the desk. She looked over his shoulder at me and I blushed before turning around to look at the very interesting display of toothbrushes to my immediate left. "Well sir, I think you would find that most have a more than 95% accuracy, but if you want to be certain, then I suggest getting a couple of different brands," she said in a slightly annoyed tone. Tae hadn't picked up on her obvious rudeness and instead walked back to the baby area. When he found what he was looking for, he just started flicking two of every type they had in stock, into his basket; which accounted to more than 26 tests in total.

"Ara, anything else you need...or want?" He asked with a now relaxed smile. I glanced towards something in the next aisle and he noted what I must have been looking at. "Aggh, I see," he said, walking around. He picked it up and I blushed. "Is this what you were after?" He asked with a teasing smile. He had in his hand, a fluffy purple teddy bear. I nodded and grabbed it off him; hugging it tightly. "I just wanted something to cuddle with when you are all know...until we move in together," I said shyly.

Tae smiled widely and put the basket down; pulling me into a tight hug. "You really little Princess. You know, I could just come and stay with you... We don't have to wait until the end of the month," he said sweetly. "You're busy with work though and..." But he cut me off with a kiss. "Shhh, you'll always be my first priority...always," he mumbled against my lips. I looked up into his clear chocolate eyes and saw something behind them; truth.


When we got back in the car, Tae turned to me and asked "Can we have one more stop?" I didn't see why not, especially if it meant I could spend the rest of the day with him, so I nodded with a shy smile. He smiled brilliantly in return and quickly reversed the car onto the road.

Within 10 minutes, we were parked out the front of a large baby supplies store. "I just wanted to take a quick look at a few clothes with you. Mainly, so I can get an idea of what you like. Is that okay?" He asked politely. Wahh, he's so sweet. "Of course, Tae bear...I'd love that," I said cupping his bread cheek.

As we walked into the store hand-in-hand, all the women inside suddenly turned to check out Tae; making me feel extremely uncomfortable. But he didn't take notice; only looking back at me with a sweet smile on his face. "Lead the way, my lady," he said with a swing of his arm. I saw all the other women giving me daggers now but I didn't care. He's all mine.

I eagerly pulled him towards, what looked like the baby clothes area and I couldn't get over how cute everything looked. "Oh Tae Bear, look at this!" I said holding up a tiny bear romper suit. He giggled and wrapped his arms around me; "I love it! Keep going."

We walked around the aisles for more than an hour, with Tae back hugging me the entire time; his chin resting comfortably on my shoulder. "Wait! Look at these," he said pulling away from me and striding up to a shelf of matching winter outfits. "Couldn't you imagine it?!" He squealed in excitement.

I had never noticed before, but Tae occasionally lifted his chin and tilted his head side to side with a cute expression on his face; almost looking like a baby. What is that? And why does he look so adorable doing it? I quickly ran up to him and flung my arms around his neck; pulling him in for a quick kiss.

He chuckled and pulled me back; "That was sudden." "I couldn't help it. The face you just made was so fluffy," I hummed with an eye smile. He looked a tad confused then had an aha moment. "Oh, my tata mic face? Was I doing that?" He asked with warm eyes. Even the name of it is cute. I giggled and nodded my head exaggeratedly. "Well, just you wait. Your heart will explode from all the cuteness when I teach our kids how to do it too," he said with a wink. I visually ahhhh'd and linked arms with him; "I can't wait!"

We strolled out of the store and got back in the car. "Yours or mine?" He asked, turning the car on. I remembered what he had said earlier and smiled; "Yours. Just get the essentials...we'll come back for more later." He nodded and started the car; hastily reversing out of the car park.

It took 4 minutes to get to his house and only 2.5 minutes for him to whirlwind around and collect enough things for a few nights. "I'm back! Gosh, I'm not going to lie, I'm so excited right now!" He exclaimed with a big boxy smile.

His body language definitely fit his words because the entire drive to my house he couldn't stop his hands tapping on the wheel or his knees, or even my knees for that fact. When we pulled up, he almost jumped out of the car; quickly scurrying around to collect his things, before pushing me towards the door. As I slotted the key in the door, I could hear Tae buzzing behind me. "Come on Ara! The suspense is killing me!" He cried out. His dramatic reaction made me laugh; "Calm down Tae Bear, it's not like you haven't stayed here before." He huffed and put his hand over mine; forcing the key to twist. Then he picked me up in one arm and his things in the other; pushing the door open and slamming it shut with his foot.

Without skipping a beat, he carried me up the stairs to my bedroom, before dropping his bags on the ground and putting me down gently. Then he jumped on my bed and opened his arms; "Come here...Tae needs some bear hugs." I giggled and crawled onto the bed; quickly relaxing into his warm embrace.

"Ara? Why do you love me?... I mean, I didn't exactly treat you very well at the beginning. But still, for some reason, you gave me a chance. Why?" He asked suddenly. I lay still for a moment, trying to formulate an answer but I couldn't seem to find one particular reason why. "Hmmm, I don't really know... I guess, when we first met you were like this mysterious guy that for some reason wanted my number and I thought 'wow, why would he ever be interested in someone as dull and boring as me'. But then you actually did message me, and I was shocked. You eventually became my happiness; giving me a reason to smile every day. Plus you were sexy as that helped too," I finished in a teasing tone.

He laughed and hugged me tighter. "Well, that's good to know... If I'm being honest, when I first met you I was trying to intimidate you. But after a while, I grew to like your shyness and your little quirks. You were someone I felt like I wanted to protect, and initially, I didn't understand it. But now I do. I love you Ara... You are what keeps me living each and every day... And I wouldn't swap you for anything... Not even...a shirtless picture of Kookie in high school, when he was ripped like the hulk," he said jokingly.

His last comment had me laughing like a madwoman. What a crazy man...and I love him, incandescently.

{Author's note: Bit of a cute Taera chapter because I'm feeling loved today.

So in turn, I hope you all feel loved today too 😊}

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