Chapter 26 - Not Forgotten

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I felt like I was having withdrawals from him. It had been 3 days and I still hadn't heard from him. I tried to busy myself at work but he just kept entering my mind; our memories playing on a continuous loop in my head. Why hasn't he messaged me yet?

Taehyung...typing: Do you hate me or something?

Message sent and delivered. That'll get his attention.


Kookie (10.37am): I don't hate you. Why are you always so dramatic? I've just been hanging out with Jimin a little bit.

A little bit? What does that even mean?

Taehyung...typing: So do you love him now?

Message sent and delivered.

Kookie (10.42am): Can I come see you after work? I'll explain...

Avoiding the question! He better shower me with kisses, otherwise, I'm not forgiving him.


When I opened the door, he pushed a bunch of flowers in my face with a box of my favourite chocolates. A big bunny smile on his face; crinkles and all.

"Oh, you think that'll make up for ditching me for so long?" I said, unamused. But secretly, I was ecstatic.

"Tae, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel lonely. I missed you..." he said with apologetic eyes.

"Obviously didn't miss me enough to text me though," I said with a sour expression.

"Oh, come on Tae Bear. You know I love you. What can I do to make it up to you?"

Tae Bear. That's a new one. "Well... you could give me a kiss I guess," I said, trying to avoid showing too much enthusiasm.

He smiled brilliantly and leaned in to quickly kiss my lips; his arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me in close. Kookie, why do you have such an effect on me? I could feel my heart thumping in my chest, as we intensified our kiss. He had missed me... I could tell by the desperation of his lips on mine. It felt like our lips had completely morphed together; moving in complete synchronization.

When he pulled away, I couldn't help but blurt it out. "I love you Kookie. Don't leave me like that again. I was lost without you..."

He caressed my face gently with his hand, "I love you too Tae Tae... I promise, it won't happen again," he said with genuine eyes.


When I feel vulnerable, I become clingy, and Kookie's missing presence had turned me into a wreak. As we sat on the sofa, I leaned back into his chest; wanting to be as close as possible. He leaned his chin softly against my head and kissed my hair.

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