Chapter 41 - Hard

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15 minutes? Oh shit! I quickly got off the bed and rushed into the bathroom to check my appearance. I look like an electrocuted poodle! I started manically brushing my hair and teeth, and quickly slapped some make-up on. I grabbed my favourite perfume and doused myself in it; trying to cover any hint of nervous perspiration. Then I stood back and checked my appearance again. Well, it's better.

Knock knock!

My eyes popped open and I flung my head towards the sound. He's here! I ran down the stairs but as I got to the bottom, I slowed my walk and dropped his shirt off one side to expose my shoulder. Try and resist me now.

When I opened the door, there stood Jungkook...steaming with sex appeal. He had his hands leaning on either side of the doorframe and was looking up at me with black eyes and heavy breathing. I instantly felt juices pour from my vagina. He looks like a beast! He raised his head by his chin and towered over me. "I'm coming in," he said with complete authority, and all I could do was bite my lip and step aside.

As he passed the door threshold, I shuddered; feeling the heat that oozed off of his hot body. He flicked his shoes off and slammed the door shut, then he stared at me cowering in the corner. "No more waiting," he growled as he took a step forward and pushed me up against the wall. I instantly turned my head to expose my neck and he took his tongue and licked a long line from my collarbone all the way to my ear. The sensation released a string of lewd sounds from my mouth, as I grabbed at his biceps. He leaned his rock-hard cock against the thin fabric of my shirt and pushed up into my soaked crotch; breathing warm, seductive air against my neck. Oh, fuck me...

The sound of him groaning in my ear almost made me cum. My hands were desperately grabbing at every inch of his shirt, as I rolled my hips into his dick. Then suddenly, he pulled back and stared at me. "Get upstairs," he commanded. I quickly ran to the staircase but he called out again; "...slowly." I immediately slowed my pace and began ascending; riding up the shirt to secretly reveal my ass cheeks. I heard a growl from behind me but I didn't dare look. I felt like a gazelle in a lion's den; moments away from being eaten.

When I reached my bed, I turned around and watched him prowl into the room; eyes fierce and unblinking. He suddenly ripped his shirt open and all the buttons popped off in each and every direction; revealing the magnificent specimen that lay beneath. Then he turned and walked towards the window, stripping the shirt from his bulging shoulders. I felt myself drop onto the bed, as he turned to face me again, and began stretching his tight body out to remove the last of the fabric from his forearms. The way his abdominal muscles expanded and contracted, made my breathing hitch. He's going to fucking destroy me.


I dropped my shirt to the ground and took the edge of my belt; slowly unlooping it and pulling it from my pants. I watched as she visibly shook; her chest heaving with every accelerated breath, and how her hand instinctively reached towards her core. Every fiber of my being wanted to rip my shirt off of her and absolutely dominate her, but instead, I decided to draw it out.

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