Chapter 21 - I Love You...

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It was Friday night, and I felt like going out for a drink. I didn't want to make a big deal of it, so I decided to go on my own.

I walked into the club and the smell of dank alcohol, sweat, and dry ice hit my nostrils. A drunk blonde girl tried to link her arm in mine, but I quickly slipped my arm out and pulled away. "Whaat-t, don't yooou want-t to dancce with meee?" She slurred, almost falling over her own feet as she tried to steady herself against me.

"Nope," I replied nonchalantly, as I pushed her off and walked towards the bar.

As I waited for my drink, I leaned against the bar and scanned the room. Wow, people are really drunk tonight. "Here you go," the bartender said, handing me my beer.

I decided to walk over to the seating area, in an attempt at avoiding all the drunk people. But before I had even walked a couple of steps, I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist. What the hell!

I snapped my head around, ready to give the person holding me a mouthful of sass and insults, but quickly realised it was Jungkook.

"Heeeeyyyy!" Jungkook sang out; clearly drunk.

"What do you think you're doing? Huh!" I responded with a little bit of spice.

"Danccingggg. Yooouu look sexxxyyyy tooniigghhht," he said with a smirk and an unco-ordinated wink.

"I think you are drunk Jungkook. Let me get you some water. Come with me," I said, pulling him back towards the bar and ordering a bottle of water.


After 30 minutes of force-feeding the water down his throat, he finally seemed to be sobering up a little. "Are you here with someone?" I asked.

"I wass. But I losst himm," he said with a sad smile.

"Him? Do you mean Taehyung?"

"Yeahhh. Jimminniee, he's ssso goorgeousss," he said leaning his head on my shoulder; his fruity breath on the crook of my neck.

"Right. Give me your phone," I said holding my hand out. He fumbled for it in his pocket. "Here, let me do it," I said reaching over his lap and sliding my hand into the tight pocket of his jeans.

"Wwooahh. Jimminniee, waatcch yoour handsss," he said with a flirty giggle.

"You wish," I replied rolling my eyes.

"Maybee I dooo," he said leaning into my neck; placing a wet kiss on the skin surface.

Although I was busy trying to open his phone, I still felt my eyes wanting to close from the pleasurable sensation. "Stooop Jungkoook," I struggled to say.

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