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"God, it stinks out here..."

The night air was thick with a heady combination of aromas, making the young vampire wrinkle his nose the moment he stepped on his building stoop.

Everything and everyone held a distinct scent. Some were sweet and appealing. Some were pungent and offensive. Some so neutral you barely notice it's there.

As the rain drizzled over the chattering citizens and their scents mixed as they moved about, Jungkook takes a moment to focus himself. He couldn't get distracted by the masses right now. Something was calling to him and all he had to do was allow his instincts to lead the way.

He closes his eyes.

He inhales slowly.


The whispered hush of his thirst seems to brush past his right ear, making his head whip in that direction. He sees nothing but endless streets crowed by people and beaming headlights and tail lights. But he knew better by now than only trusting his eyes when it came to his instincts.

Whatever his body needed was out there and he would find it.

With a determined scowl, he stepped from the final step to fall into the crowd.

With a determined scowl, he stepped from the final step to fall into the crowd

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Jungkook tugged at the hood of his jacket self consciously. Bumping shoulders with humans in his current state of hunger was risky enough and he would rather no one noticed his blackened stare on contact.

It wasn't like anyone would pay him any attention though. One of the perks of falling into the flow of foot traffic. Everyone had their own agendas and plans to concern themselves with and Jungkook was just another drop in the ocean.

He smirks at the thought just as he finds himself at the edge of the curb where cars whizzed by him at an intersection. He glances up and sniffs curiously as he waited for the light to change.

Wet streets. Black skies. Misted air.

Nights like this, she was heavy on his mind. Her plush full lips. Her velvety smooth skin. Her wide rounded hips.


Jungkook snorted humorlessly at the intrusive thought.

Vampires were a true enigma.

Human appearances with animalistic abilities. Soulless monsters and apex predators. Functioning beings devoid of mortality.

Imitations of life essentially.

They were the farthest thing from humanity and yet the same when it came to vulnerabilities of the flesh.

Sex and food.

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