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Some nights later...

Her moans come in waves, climbing towards the ceiling as she rolls her hips emphatically to the coursing rhythm

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Her moans come in waves, climbing towards the ceiling as she rolls her hips emphatically to the coursing rhythm.

The soundproof padding in the walls of the VIP room just barely drown out the music, its bass line thumping like a metronome to her pace.

Wearing only a lace bra and panty set, the enamored dancer straddles her customer, going against several club rules as she allowed him to grope her curves and kiss her throat.

Elliot grunts beneath her with his large hands holding her at the waist to ride her sensual rhythm.

"Fuck you're so sexy..." he murmurs against her throat, licking a wet trail over her jawline to plunge his tongue between her lips. She sucks him in hungrily, moaning from deep in her gut as she ruts against him more fiercely.

His dick strains hard and heavy through the opening of his jeans, its length nestled nicely just between her swollen lips and sensitive sex.

The friction between the thin covering of her thong creates a friction against her clit and his pelvis was just enough to drive her crazy.

Apart from his venom tingling through her veins.

He holds her steady, now aiding her in riding him as if her next breath depended on it.

Elliot, while fairly new to the life of an immortal in terms of vampire years, is nothing like our protagonist. Killing and feeding felt as innate as fucking to him, toying with humans for his amusement on many occasions.

Like now, the olive-skinned former college athlete in the prime of his young life, couldn't feel more alive than he does right now.

Luring women with his looks was never a problem before but when his thirst was dictating his every move, bedding a victim every night wasn't hard at all.

"Oh shhhit...." The newest conquest slurs.

He didn't get her name.

Or maybe he did and just forgot.

Not that it mattered to him. All he knew was that she was easy on the eyes, impressionable, and easily persuaded by a flash of sacked cocaine and a wad of cash.

He grins wickedly as her body shook with her abrupt climax, her walls spasming around his shaft and gushing all over his lap.

"Fuck.." she whines tearfully, falling into the crook of Elliot's neck with a sigh. He chuckles breathily as his hands traveled up her body.

"You liked that?" He huffs as she lifts her head. He leans up to lick a line over her lips as a sexy tease, making her smile drunkenly.

"Yes..more...I want more.." she purrs, still winding her hips against him.

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