Post Mortem

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For some time unknown to him, all of the above ceased and he's slowly pulled
from the pits of oblivion, ripped from the sweet and silent comfort of death to rejoin the land of the living.

"....nnnghh" his voice rumbled dryly as he shifted his head against the pillows. He swallows and soon regrets it, feeling as if heated razor blades were dragging down his esophagus. He winces and grits his teeth at the pain, turning his neck stiffly and rolling his shoulder in discomfort.

Soft light poured in as Jungkook's eyes slowly peeled open and he grimaced in reaction to their sensitivity. Even that was painful, but he fights through it to gain some visibility. At least for a few seconds...


He shuts them immediately and a barrage of hushed voices resembling his own began to fill his barely conscious yet perplexed mind.


It hurts...


Why does it hurt?

Where am I?

What time is it?

Why can't I remember anything?

He's distracted by his thoughts as he disregards the slight sting behind his eyelids. He forced them open again and slowly lifted his head from the pillow.

Everything was blurry at first, too bright and misshapen but as the seconds pass, colors and light begin to come into focus.


Dusted rays of light shimmered and swirled through the air as his eyes scaled the high ceiling and dark wooden beams above him, falling towards the glossy stained wood floors.

Thick curtains and tall windows lined the entire wall to his right, shielding the morning sun from lighting the room completely.

A simple yet chic couch, chairs, and table set are on the far end of the room, parallel to the wide bed where lays. The California king takes up a good portion of the space, draped in black silk and matching pillows.

He blinks a few times, adjusting to the beaming sunlight that only touched the ceiling from where it leaked between the black-out curtains. He shakes his head, making the hair that stuck to his skin shake free to fall around his face.

This place...

It felt familiar but he couldn't quite grasp why or how the hell he'd ended up there.

He blinks again.

The gentle flickering of tiny flames is now perceived as they painted the skin of his bare pale torso with its soft orange glow. He turns his head to spot the lit candles scattered all around the bed, trailing from the bedside dresser to the floor, around the bed, and towards the door.

As his eyes followed them, he attempts to sit up and is instantly met with resistance due to the thick metal cuffs that shackled both of his wrists, secured by chains that ran beneath the bed.

"The fuck..?" He exhales, furrowing his brow at his bound wrists.

Silk sheets pool at his waist as he struggled to sit up all the way, but its a task difficult to manage due to the way his arms were stretched across the mattress. He's only given enough range to yank one arm up, only to have the other yanked down against the bedding.

He soon finds both of his ankles to be chained similarly at the foot, trapping him in the most helpless and vulnerable position.

" no no no" he rasps, fear and panic welling in his eyes as he yanked feverishly against the chains to no avail.

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