La Petite Mort

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It didn't take much convincing on Tanya's end to get Jungkook to open up to her, which says a lot considering how reserved he generally was. Something about Tanya just made it easy. She was smart, funny, charismatic, and painfully sexy. He watched her walk ahead of him as she lead him into her floral scented abode of dark hardwood floors, white walls, and high ceilings.

Jungkook had never been inside of any apartment at The Heights and felt out of place with his tattoos, shaggy hair, baggy pants, and dark hoodie. Even the air smelled expensive and he vaguely wondered what kind of money Tanya would have to have to be able to afford such a place. He knew better than to ask though, considering he'd already accused her of being a prostitute once tonight.

Nonetheless, he was interested to see how people on this side of the city were living.

"Wine or spirit?" Tanya tosses her hair over her shoulder as she glanced back to find Jungkook appreciating the decor she happily took credit for. The stiff who lived here had horrible bachelor's syndrome and she couldn't wait to add her feminine touch.

Even if her stay there would be temporary.

"Um...spirit." He responds distractedly, eyeing a monochrome abstract painting in passing as he followed her, barely catching the glint of mischief in Tanya's eyes as she turned away.

The two of them settled in the bar area of her kitchen just beyond the very vast yet cozy living room area, lit attractively by a few scattered candles and the moonlight.

The passing of time was forgotten easily in her presence and after a while, the buzz from the alcohol had the two of them falling silent and gazing flirtatiously at each other.

He was much more relaxed now, having shed his hooded jacket to drape it on the back of his seat. He sits in his thin black shirt that hung from his broad shoulders, rolled up slightly at the sleeves to show the intricate black and grey designs winding up his arm.

Tanya still wore her coat despite being inside now, abandoning her heels at the front door. They sat close enough for their knees to touch and when Tanya crosses her legs, the tip of her barefoot glides comfortably against Jungkook's calf occasionally.

The tension was thickening by the second but neither of them could tear themselves away from the other stare.

Not even if they wanted to.

"Tell me something...." She says, propping herself on her elbow and leaning her cheek into her hand. Taking a slow sip of his fourth gin and tonic, Jungkook lifts his brow.

"You said you knew what it felt like to be alone. Outside of your family, do you truly have no one? No friends? No girlfriends? No girls that are friends..." She bats her lashes slowly. Jungkook swallows down the gin smoothly and exhales at the burn in his chest. He stifles his ashamed smile as he shakes his head wordlessly and Tanya scoffs.

"Bullshit. Not even one person to ...ya know...pass the time?" She narrows her eyes and Jungkook shrugs one shoulder, spinning in the barstool and turning his body to face the counter.

"I'm not the most social and I work a lot. I guess I just haven't had the time to find anyone for that." He admits, palming his nearly empty glass. Tanya tilts her head, observing him with interest.

"You don't have the time? Or the nerve?"

It was her turn to arch a brow and Jungkook huffs out a soft chuckle, poking at his lip ring with his tongue. He glances up at the mirrored wall and glass shelves behind the bar, spotting his reflection between the many snifters and decanters.

"Neither, I guess." He admits with another sad smile.

Her gaze wasn't hard to sense as it scaled over his relaxed posture, tracing his jawline and profile. But he keeps his head low, staring into the bottom of his glass.

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