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"Ugh....it hurts..."

The primal chanting crescendos from deep inside of Jungkook's unaged mind. It torments his psyche and burns in his throat and nostrils with every measured breath he takes.

He hated when he allowed it to get this bad. Normally he could stave off his urges by sipping on the rations he kept stashed at the back of his fridge. It had been a while since he'd spoken to his connect from the blood bank.

Dealing O-neg on the side was risky enough when knowledge of vampires existing was uncommon. So Jungkook had to get in where he would fit in and make do.

Neon lights flashed through his window, casting a fluorescent red glow over his pristine tattooed skin as he stepped towards it

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Neon lights flashed through his window, casting a fluorescent red glow over his pristine tattooed skin as he stepped towards it.

Barefoot and shirtless, Jungkook squinted as he approached the rain-speckled glass in his black sweats. His bleached dyed hair laid messily over his head and the silver piercings on his face glint in the flashing lights and reflection.

He separates the thick curtain carefully with his finger and gazes down at the bustling crowd of city dwellers below.

The weekend was the worst. Too many smells and sounds to drown out. So many fresh bodies to be claimed. The rain didnt help, only enchancing every scent as they wafted through the air and straight into his vents. It was a wonder he'd developed such restraint to keep from feasting on some one new every night.

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