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The weight of the music grows faint as Tanya and Aria trek further and further away from the glowing rave behind them

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The weight of the music grows faint as Tanya and Aria trek further and further away from the glowing rave behind them. Linked by intertwined fingers, the two sneak into the warm summer night and cut down a darkened alley until they reach the back entrance of the building adjacent to the one they'd just left.

The abandoned plaza stretched on for more than 5 blocks, all emptied and forgotten. Some with multiple floors and rooms while others, like the building holding the illegal party, were just huge empty spaces with withered walls and dirty windows.
Prime real estate for the homeless and two horny, half-dressed women looking for a quiet place free of prying eyes.

Tanya pushes the heavy door open and looks around sneakily before grasping Aria's hand tighter with a wink.

"This way."

Their pace is steady as Aria is led into the dark building and down a hallway. But the moment they reach a set of winding stairs, Tanya's feet quicken.

"Whoa...Faye...Where are we going?" Aria giggles as she stumbles after her. Tanya looks back at her with a smile but says nothing as she continued up the steps.

Anyone else would have taken her silence as a red flag. An obvious indicator of potential danger.

But thanks to the alcohol and diluted venom already in her system, Aria only felt excitement and desire as she watched the way Tanya's ass bounced with every ascending step.

After what felt like long enough, Tanya leads Aria to the top floor of the abandoned building. It opens up to a grand room with a high ceiling, scattered with covered structures and naked mannequins. The patterned carpets are tattered at the edges and molded in random spots.

Aria grimaces at the thickness of dust in the air.

"Um...What..." she murmured as she swats over the possible cobwebs they were bound to run into while Tanya led them forward. She giggles at the hesitance in Aria's stride but keeps her hold on her hand firm.

"This entire block used to be a shopping plaza some years ago. But the owners went bankrupt after a recession hit and it forced them to foreclose on the entire area...." she begins.

The maze of dusty tarp-covered furniture and mannequins narrowed progressively the further they ventured, dousing the atmosphere in apprehension and suspense.

"This building in particular......used to be an overstock furniture warehouse..department store type place..most of it was cleared out by the owners before they closed but I guess this was reserved for the shit they knew couldn't sell and they just forgot about it.."

Tanya stepped carefully amid the clutter, seeming to know exactly where she was going. Aria squints as she ducked her head and glances over her shoulder occasionally.

"Oook..." she says, her follow-up question trailing off as a patch of warm light grows up ahead over the makeshift walls made by the half-built shelves.

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