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Jungkook follows the path of Tanya's beckoning scent down the alley, inside of the adjacent building, up the steps, and into the grand room filled from corner to corner with forgotten merchandise and mannequins. He doesn't stop stalking ahead until he nears the light at the furthest end of the room.

He can already hear the soft and unbridled moaning and his hand goes directly to the bulge beneath his pants as he advanced. He inhales, tasting the scent of sex and venom in the air and he follows it until he finds himself stepping through the tarps slit and into the circle of dim lighting.

The top of Tanya's head is the first thing he sees. Her long hair cascades down over the edge of the bed while a pair of widely spread legs are held open on either side of her.

Her head bobs slowly as she licked at Aria's lips feverishly, digging her nails into the meat of her trembling thighs as an anchor. While eating her out, Aria's body is trapped beneath Tanya's with her mouth covered by her mound as well. She licks her clit in slow circles, straining to focus on an efficient pace due to the way Tanya had her pulling away to moan every few seconds.

It was an extremely erotic sight to behold and Jungkook licks his lips slowly as his eyes danced all over their nude tangled bodies.

Detecting his presence, Tanya lifts her head suddenly and the lower half of her face glistens from Aria's juices. Tanya licks it from her lips as she smiled.

"Took you long enough..." she smirks. The casualness in her remark makes Jungkook chuckle wordlessly and Tanya slowly lowers herself, mindful to keep her hair pulled to the side so that Jungkook could watch her tongue slip back between the folds of Aria's glistening pink sex. The woman unlatched from Tanya's heat to moan loudly at the pace of her tongue against her hardened clit. She continues flicking it fast and closes her lips around it to suck as she did.

Jungkook's dick throbbed at the sound and the scent of it all as it swarms around him. His mouth watered and his hand mindlessly reaches down beneath his waistband tentatively.

"Oh! Yes! Fuck...right there..right there..." Aria trembles from behind Tanya and just as she feels herself about to come undone, Tanya pulls away. A heavy sigh and slight whimper leave her mouth but Tanya shushes her as she dismounted her. She settles into her side, distracting her momentarily with a searing kiss filled with the sweetness of their shared arousal coating their tongues. Jungkook bites down on the slight sting of jealousy he felt watching them and he tilts his head with narrowed eyes. After a beat, he makes a noise from deep in his throat as if to remind Tanya that he was still there.

As if she wasn't fully aware of the fact....

Reluctantly, Tanya breaks the kiss and pulls away and Aria lifts her head lazily. She squints slightly through her haze until the details of the tall dark figure come into focus. The first thing she can make out is the contrast between his jet black cargo waistband and his fair-skinned torso, the shadows of his abs visible between the opening of his tech vest. Her eyes continue to travel up his body until they land on his face.

The way his bleached hair fell over his head was messy and unkempt but disrespectfully hot. His brow and lip piercing glimmered in the light similarly to her nipples in the soft lighting, making her gaze key in on the way his lips curled up into an inviting smirk.

"Fuck.....you're hot..." Aria slurs drunkenly, making both Tanya and Jungkook chuckle softly. Vampire venom, even in small doses, was more potent than absinth. From the first kiss, she and Tanya shared in the rave, her body was fed small doses of her influence and fell deeper and deeper into a state of submission. Tanya leans into Aria, nosing at the side of her face lovingly as she whispered in her ear.

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