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What an enigma.

It's often questioned what happens when we die. What it feels like. If it's merciful or ruthless.

Some say the faces of your loved ones are the first to fill the mind. Flashes of the life you had streaming silently in black and white. Moving pictures of the moments taken for granted.

Some say an unimaginable chill consumes you, suspending you in a state of impending doom until you just stop feeling.

Some say you see a bright light at the end of a very long tunnel that pulls you in like a moth to a smoldering flame.

Some say the reapers presence is felt looming over you, a blinding shadow that seizes you at the very last second to whisk you away to the last place anyone will ever know.

No one truly knows though, considering it's a one-way trip to a destination very few people can return from.

Well....at least for most.

Death was none of these things for Jungkook. The voices or faces of his mother and father were the furthest things from his mind as he faded.
His final moments were neither cold nor warm.

There was no light, aside from the flashes of lightning that illuminated the side of his killer's face.

So soft and conflicted, stained at the lip by his blood.

His heart fights to stay animated but has nothing to pump.

His lungs caved under the weight of his chest, making him dizzy and light-headed.

His eyes struggle to see, barely strong enough to roll back beneath their lids.

All of his senses fade one by one, leaving his hearing to be the last to go.




Rustling sheets.

A whisper...

"I'm sorry......"

Then there was nothing.

Silence and stillness.



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