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Several nights had passed since the bloodened threesome. News of an unexplainable fire burning down the decrepit and abandoned department store from the plaza made local news for days, along with a few missing person reports that would soon be forgotten the moment a  more interesting story consumed the general publics' attention.

Thunder shook the thick paned glass of the wall to ceiling windows. Lightning flashes, cascading the living room with splashes of illumination as Jungkook paced back and forth over the cold hardwood floors. He's dressed down casually in an oversized black tee and ripped jeans. His pale blonde and disheveled hair sways from his head at every step, his expression hard and forlorn.

Jungkook had nearly mastered the art of being a killer. He was just about numb to the bitter aftertaste of death that always crept up his throat at the sight of a freshly drained corpse. Under the guidance of Tanya, Jungkook was nearly desensitized to the gruesome process of disposing of their...evidence.

Breaking down the bed. Gathering its wood. Rolling the body in the rustic carpet.

Starting the fire, which was a rather conspicuous method and possibly an overkill. But it was effective, erasing anything that could be traced back to them.

It was all necessary. That's what Tanya would say to him when she could see the regret threatening to fill his eyes in the face of the flames or the darkened waves of the ocean as the scent of life grew fainter by the second.

They had to feed.

They had to kill.

It was the only way they could keep their demons at bay and remain in control of themselves.

It was all necessary.

It was necessary.

It was necessary.

" It was necessary...It was was was....." Jungkook pauses, swallowing down the words he was mindlessly trying to convince himself were true. Perhaps if he said it enough, it would become law, and the long line of death that followed him since he'd met Tanya would suddenly become minuscule and their faces would fade from his nightmares.

But he knew that was a lie.

Jungkook's shoulders sag and he unclenches his fists, the weight of reality obeying gravity. He sighs.

"It's not...necessary. None of it..." he murmurs to himself. Just then, lightning cracks across the deep grey skies again, its thunder following soon after. The storm was near, in more ways than one and Jungkook knew he had to face it one way or another. He had to say something to Tanya. Something that despite how much he was enjoying the high. It wasn't just about him or who he wanted to be. Not anymore.

Jungkook approaches the master bathroom and enters it to find Tanya lounging in a steaming hot bubble bath. The scents of aromatherapy oils rolled through the air and soft music played from an indeterminate location in the room as a single wine glass filled halfway sat on the ledge. Her nudity is barely masked by the layer of foam and suds on the water's surface. Her long hair is pulled up into a bun atop her head and her eyes are closed as she relaxed against a plush bath pillow.

In a way, Jungkook envied Tanya's way of acting as if she weren't a merciless killer. As if the blood of numerous people weren't on her hands and on her tongue. Her vast experience surely played a huge part in her indifference. Or perhaps she was just a sociopath by nature, vampirism aside.

He lets out a leveled sigh as he crossed the threshold and the moment his foot hits the moist tile, her eyes peel open lazily to peer in his direction. The water sloshes as she sat up in the tub, the water level sinking down so that her areolas are peaking over the surface. She smiles.

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