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Weighted footsteps crunch over the dampened concrete as he stepped through the crowd of nosey onlookers

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Weighted footsteps crunch over the dampened concrete as he stepped through the crowd of nosey onlookers. The small crowd parted for him as he ascended towards the alley, crawling with law enforcement.

It was early.

Too early for him to be called into duty for something as tragic as this.

But that was just life in the big city it seemed.

The officer standing before the yellow tape bows his head respectfully at the sight of the detective's badge that's habitually pulled from his inner coat pocket when he approached. Without hesitation, the subordinate lifts the boundary for him to pass under.

"Morning Detective Bowers.." he mutters in greeting, met with a casual nod from the superior.

His brow furrows immediately and his expression darkens at the sight of the macabre despite usually being accustomed to it.

Splayed out in broad daylight, 4 bodies are scattered throughout the small lot between two random buildings deep in the city.

All of them were male, seeming to range in ages between the mid-'20s to late 30s if he had to guess.

All different races. All different builds and body types.

The CSI team is buzzing around the alley, taking pictures and marking various points of the scene with yellow markers for evidence. Two of the bodies were currently being covered with white sheets to preserve their dignity while the others were still being worked over.

Bowers approaches the body nearest to him.

"Hey Jason...Mallory.." he greets the tech and the woman dressed in civilian clothing beside him, both currently assessing the corpse before transport. Detective Mallory lifts her gaze at the sight of her colleague, his attractive features shifting into an amused expression.

"I figured they'd call you too." She snarks, perking her brow. Bowers chuckles dryly as she stands from where she was crouching beside the body. The tech is just about to cover it with the white sheet when she comes to join Bowers at his side.

Bowers stood at a standard 6 feet on a good day, fit frame despite him being a bit older and even more attractive than most men his age. His neatly groomed salt and pepper beard added intensity to his intimidatingly handsome mug, his ocean blue eyes always catching people off guard at first.

Detective Mallory on the other hand was a stark contrast to her seasoned peer. She was around 5'5, mid-30s, petite, and curvy. Her shape is hidden effectively beneath her thigh-length coat, covering her work casual attire of fitted black slacks and a white button-up that showed the smallest peak of her cleavage. Her heels click over the puddled concrete and her long brunette curls bounce as she stepped around the white sheets, joining her assigned partner at his side.

"What we looking at here?" He asks, narrowing his eyes and tilting his head with his hands in his coat pockets.

"African American male. Approximately 6'3 in height and over 200 pounds based on his build. Solid guy..." Mallory responds. Bowers makes a sound from in his chest in agreement as she stepped forward.

"GSWs? Robbery? Assault?" He asks and Mallory shakes her head.

"Nope. Not as far as anyone else can see. No shells or residue..No obvious signs of a struggle or altercation. Not even any blood. Owner of the shop came out here to dump some trash and found them all out here like this."

Bowers frowns and turns his neck to look back at Mallory, who remained where he was previously standing.

"No blood? What do you mean?"

"I mean there's no blood. No splatter. None on the bodies. Their clothes. The ground. The walls...they've been out here all morning searching every square inch of this alley and there's nothing....except.."

Mallory pauses to step forward, brushing past Bowers to approach a member of the clean-up crew for a pair of gloves. When she returns, she gestures for Bowers to crouch down with her in front of the covered body.

"What is it..." he asks as he followed her lead, bending at the knees while she carefully lifted the sheet.

The deceased male's eyes were still slightly open, lifeless, and off-focus. Something that never ceased to give Bowers an eery feeling despite having seen too many dead eyes to count. Mallory gently pulls down the collar of his jacket to reveal two distinct puncture wounds at the side of his neck.

"The hell...." Bowers tilts his head and leans in for a better look. Mallory nods in agreement at Bower's muttered words.

"Weird right? Same type of wound was found on the others too. Consistent size and shape. Other than that...No foreign prints. No DNA...No ID on the bodies. All of em seem to have been cold for hours but we can't be sure until the official report..."

Half listening to her speak, Bower's finds himself fixated on the nature of the deceased's wound. His brow crinkles with focus as the commotion surrounding him falls further into the background.

Falling further into his thoughts as he stared at the peculiar set of punctures.

"Hmm.." his frown deepens as his glare narrows. Suddenly he's on his feet. Mallory's head whips up in his direction curiously as Bowers turns away.

She frowns.

"Where you going?" She calls after him, nodding to the tech that approaches her in preparation to take the body. 

"To make a phone call. Call me when you have any leads.." Bowers is already across the lot and about to cross the caution tape when Mallory catches up to him. She pulls the exam glove from her hand with a snap.

"Ok..." she frowns, stopping short of the yellow tape just as Bowers steps under it. She eyes him suspiciously for a moment, watching him disappear amongst the crowd of onlookers.

A/n: Love Bites will resume soon...❤️

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