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Since she's less than a block away, its always a quick trip from Gerald's to Deja's building

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Since she's less than a block away, its always a quick trip from Gerald's to Deja's building. She always steps quickly though, despite the short distance and how quiet the streets usually were around 4 am. It was smart to never assume anything just because things seemed safe or calm.

Mainly because you never knew who was lurking in the many shadows among the residences.

She enters her apartment and lets out her routine sigh of exhaustuion and releif, stepping out of her wet sneakers and setting her keys on the hook.

Greeting her at the door was her loyal companion, tail wagging like a helicopter at the sight of his owner.

"Oh my goodness! Hello Apollo! Hello..." Deja smiles, addressing the yipping Jack Russel terrier as she sheds her coat. After tossing her bag towards the couch, she crouches down to pick him up. Stroking his white and auburn spotted coat and kissing the tip of his black nose, she turns to lock her front door.

Deja loved the cozy little home she created for herself. It wasnt too small nor was it extravagant, but it was hers. Cream and burnt sienna color scheme mixed with earth tones and warm lighting. Timed release oil diffusers and fresh green plants cleansing the air of impurities and negativity. Dark wood floors accented with fuzzy carpeting. The tension of her day is easily forgotten the longer she immersed herself into the default mood in her apartment.

Walking in her ankle socks, Deja pads comfortably through her domain with Apollo tucked beneath her arm.

"What have you been up to today, hmm? Getting into shit?" she scratches the top of his head before bending to drop him against the floor. Immediately after his little paws hit the wood, he scurries between her legs towards the front door. He places his little paw against it before looking over at her with big pleading eyes ,wagging his tail.

Knowing what he wanted, Deja sighs.

"I just took off my shoes Lo...Really?" she pouts and the bouncing puppy only whines pitifully before scratching at the door again. Deja rolls her eyes and relents, knowing this wasnt a war she'd win.

Nature was calling and she would rather Apollo answer it outside on the sad little patch of grass just beyond her stoop than in her apartment.

Minutes later, Deja is sitting on
the bottom steps of her building. The blue handle for the extending leash is slotted between her fingers while Apollo frolics across the sidewalk, pausing to sniff at the ground on his way to the square of grass near the edge of the curb. The tree that thrived there was Apollo's territory and he made sure to pee in the same spot every time to ensure the neighbors knew it.

Waiting for him to find his preferred pooping spot, Deja yawns against the back of her hand. Blinking slowly, she feels the weight of her day finally catching up to her and finds herself nodding off a few times.

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