Mall Time!

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Miku's POV

"I wanna buy a pen. I forgot to buy one before the first day of school." He said.

"Idiot. Good thing we didn't use our pens yet." I said.

"I know. I can't believe my luck!" He beamed.

I just rolled my eyes. "Come on, let's go to the National Bookstore."

Now I want to admit, I like books. I don't know why, but it makes me happy. And now, I recently learned that Len was the exact opposite of me.

"Oh my gosh! A book!" I squealed grabbing the book and reading the summary at the back.

"Ugh, books. I barely can't even say the word." Len grimaced.

"Seriously? Books are the best! I bet their even better than your pea-sized brain." I said.

"M-My brain is not pea-sized!" Len protested.

"Not listening!" I said.

"Er..." Len gritted his teeth.

"Here." I said handing him a pen.

"Ooh, Thanks." He said, getting it. "What do you wanna buy?"

"Umm... I wanna buy those books but... I can't afford it.." I muttered.

"Then I'll buy it for you!" Len offered.

"Oh, no no no no.." I said. "I can just go back here when I can buy it."

"Nah, I insist. He said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm sure."

"What if your not sure?" I asked.

"I'm always sure." He insisted.

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes.

"I am!" He said.

"What if something's holding you back?"

"Nothing is holding me back. I'm the one who decided to buy the books you want for you."

"What if there is something holding you back but you just denied it and force yourself to buy the books?"

"Haha. You know Miku, Isn't this too much trouble for a book?" Len chuckled.

"B-but, there must be something forcing you to buy my books even though you don't want too." I said.


"You sure?"

"That's the third time you've asked me about that today."


And in the end, he ended up buying my book.

"Hmm.. It's already 11:49 AM." I said.

"You wanna eat here?" Len asked.

"Eh? But What will your parents say?" I said.

"Meh. I'll call them." He said.

After he finished his call, he told me they agreed.

"So, where do you wanna eat?" He asked.

"In a Japanese restaurant. I haven't eaten in them for a long time." I admitted.

"Oh yeah. I've missed eating sushi and curry and the.." He gulped. "Wasabi."

"I'm guessing an accident happened that involves Wasabi?" I guessed.

Fated To Be With (Miku x Len)Where stories live. Discover now