10K Reads, 100 Facts About Me

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So, as you can all read, this is a hundred facts about me, and not a chapter. It is to celebrate for 10k reads!! Yay! Thank you so much, everyone! I'll give you a big virtual hug!! *hugs you virtualy* And because I was tagged by @zakurakiri. XD Sorry that I was delayed in making this.. >__< But anyway, let's do this!

1.) I'm lazy. (That explains the late updates.. I'm really Sorry. TT^TT I'm a jerk, I know.)

2.) I like reading. Stories and books were my inspiration to write in the beginning.

3.) I hate heights =__=

4.) I get nervous easily.

5.) I like drawing

6.) And I plan to make an Art or Sketch Book here in Wattpad. (But I'm not so sure though..)

7.) I am currently practicing to draw digitally with my Wacom tablet.

8.) I like Anime. (Obviously)

9.) I like landscape pictures that are made digitally (like the picture above) or just photographed.

10.) I like listening to music

11.) I like singing

12.) I'm stupid. (This one's obvious XD)

13.) I am responsible

14.) I wish #13 was true ;--;

15.) I procrastinate.. Like, a lot...

16.) I just finished watching Sakurasou no Pet no Kanojo xD


18.) I suck at fashion
My idea of fashion: Shirt, pants, shoes.

And your done

See what I mean? -__-

19.) I seriously get attractive to anime guys with brown hair and green eyes. *ehem* Spain *ehem*.

20.) I'm the eldest in my family

21.) I'm honest

22.) I'm a liar

23.) Therefore, #21 isn't always true

24.) I keep on forgetting How to spell liar and Awkward

25.) Thus, proving #12

26.) Thus, thanking my autocorrect for that

27.) My best friend is Anime_Otaku_12 (Lol, this number is dedicated to you.)

28.) (Continuation from #27) I also want to travel around the world with her. :) SCREW MARRIAGE!!

29.) I'm a Filipino. (Y'all probably know that but please bear with me. I still have a long way to go.)

30.) I laugh when people's voices crack. XD Can't help it! I blame it on party poopberty, oh wait, I mean, puberty.

31.) I am forgetful.



Who am I again?



Lol, just kidding.

32.) I like a few cartoon shows too

33.) I am shy around people

34.) Crowds make me dizzy. Even though It's just a small crowd, or a crowded Cafeteria. I still feel.. Nauseous..

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