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Sorry for the late update guys. I got.. What do you call it again.. Ah, right. Author's block. Or was it Writer's block?

Anyways, whatever it is, I got it. So, I ran out of ideas. Sorry.

Dedicated to:

Len's POV

God, I'm really looking forward for school today! I wanted to see Mi-chan! No, I need to see her! Wait, that sounds like I'm too eager to see her.. Oh, well. I just couldn't help it! I miss staring at her beautiful smiling face. Even though we just saw each other yesterday.

I woke up at 4 AM. Nah, actually I woke up before 4 AM. I beat my clock for about 5 minutes. I rushed downstairs and went directly to the dining area, grabbed the chair and sat down.

"L-len?" Mom asked. "What are you doing? Your up early."

"Oh, I-I just wanted to go to school early." I lied.

Mom eyed me suspiciously. "Alrighty then."

I gobbled my breakfast and brushed my teeth and took a shower. Then I wore my uniform.

"Chris! Let's go!" I said.

"Why are you up so early? You going to rob a bank or somethin'?" Chris deadpanned.

"Um, no. And I just wanna go to school early." I explained. "So.. Can we go now?"

He raised an eyebrow. "Like, right now?"

I nodded.

"At 5 AM?"

I nodded again.

"Even though the train is scheduled to go at 6?"

I nodded.. Yet again.

"O~kay.." He shrugged. "Let's go, then."

We drove to the train station. It was pretty early. I guess an hour before Mi-chan arrives..

I waited for the train to go and waited for Mi-chan to come.

Nothing.. Mi-chan is still not spotted.

Where is she??

After awhile, the train is already ready to go. And she's still not here.

I frowned and called her cell... She's not picking up! I'm so worried.

Should I go to her house and check on her? But I just can't skip school.. The train is almost going. Go to her house and skip school and get clobbered by my dad? Or go to school, hoping she's there?

The train... Mi-chan... School... Mi-chan...

I sighed. Sometimes, you just have to sacrifice for love.

Wait, where the hell did that quote come from?

I ditched the train station and picked up my cell. I was about to call Chris, but I stopped. If I'm gonna call him, he would likely call my father and tell on me... Jeez, never mind calling him. I'm taking the taxi.

I rode on one and got to Mi-chan's house. When I arrived, there are police cars everywhere. And a broken window.. I panicked. Did something happen to Miku??

I ran inside the house and found a worried and panicked Mikuo talking to a policeman. His eyes are puffy and red.. Oh no, was he crying?? What is really happening here??

"Mikuo!" I called, running towards him. "What's going on??"

"Miku.." Mikuo sniffed. "She's been kidnapped."

Okay, seriously. What dafuq is with everybody getting kidnapped these days??!

"Mi-chan's been kidnapped?!" I exclaimed, not wanting to believe what he said.

Mikuo looked down. "Yeah.."

I panicked. "When?"

"Just yesterday.." Mikuo looked down. "I heard the sound of a car arriving,"

Ah, that must have been me.

"Then I heard a person getting down. I thought it was Miku. And it was. I saw her walk towards the door, and a car leaving behind her. I was about to open the door and greet her when another car parked towards the side. I was confused.. Then.." Mikuo stopped. Then he exhaled loudly. "A bullet rushed past me, almost hitting me. I ducked and ran to the other side,expecting more gunshots. I looked outside and saw nobody was there, but a black car leaving the house. And Miku was nowhere to be seen!" Mikuo bit his lip. "I don't know where she is. I panicked, of course. Then I called the police."

"And..? Did they know?"

"No." A policeman shook his head. "We've been looking for her since yesterday."

"Did you find any clues??"

"Only a handkerchief."

"Well, check for fingerprints! That handkerchief must've been from the kidnapper, or something!" I was almost screaming already. They were the police, weren't they?? How could they not find her?!

"Unfortunately, we couldn't find any.." The policeman said.

"And why couldn't you??" I demanded.

"The guy must've wiped the fingerprints away."

I was already furious. "What the hell, man! If you can't freaking find the fingerprints, then do something, baka!"

"Kid, we are already doing the best we can do, so stay out of it." The policeman glowered down at me.

I 'tsk' and got out the house. If they can't do it, then I'll do it. I don't care what people say. Miku's mine!

I clenched my fist and punched a rock. It immediately cracked, and my hand started bleeding like crazy. I continued punching and punching it 'til I was sure I was gonna break my bones. I raised my hand up up to my face to look at it. It was really bloody and painful. Good thing I've done this plenty of times.

You see, when I'm angry, you really don't wanna mess with me. I could really punch 18 people if I want to. That's why instead of people, I usually punch my pillow. Then the wall. Then a rock.

I got my handkerchief and wiped my bloody hand. It got a lot of cuts. I glared and wrapped my handkerchief around my hand.

Just wait, Miku.

Nobody takes you away from me and gets away with it.

~  ♥  ~

Fated To Be With (Miku x Len)Where stories live. Discover now