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Dedicated to @All my followers and to those who votes for my story and all my dear readers! You guys rock! Stay awesome people! (Or are you people? O.o dun dun dun!)

Finally! A Len picture! Smile fangirls! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

A/N: Just so you won't get your brains boggled, I fast forwarded this to night time.

Miku's POV

It's already night time and I finished eating a delicious dinner. While walking up the stairs, I heard Len muttering something to himself. Kind of like praying to God.

"Lord, Please make a big meatball storm that poops cows so that classes could be cancelled again tomorrow. Please... I promise I won't held all the flies hostages again for eating my banana chips. Promise! And I will also stop hoarding my dad's Notepads for no reason. The last time I did that, Dad's nostrils got so wide and his eyes are so scary so I really won't do it again. Probably. Amen." Len prayed.

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Eh? Y-you heard me?" Len twitch an eyebrow.

"Well, I did hear a talking baboon praying to God that there will be no class tomorrow."

"I'm not a baboon." Len pouted.

"Okay then, orangutan."

"Why are you always calling me animal names?" Len whined.

"Aren't you an animal?" I said.

"What do you mean?" Len asked.

"Your a mammal. That makes you an animal." I shrugged a matter of factly.

"Hmm, makes sense." Len nodded.

We arrived at our rooms. "Night."

"Goodnight." Len smiled.

I sat down my bed, the storm slightly light now, just a pitter-patter on the roof is heard. I laid down and fell asleep as soon as my head hit my pillow.


I woke up wondering why I haven't heard the annoying ring of my stupid alarm clock. I held my alarm clock, poking it. "Why' re you not ringing yet?"


"Holy shi---- *toot*" This program is rated SPG, strict parental guidance is adviced. (Not) Stupid alarm clock! Why Does it scare me all the time? My God.

I stood up too fast that my head started to become dizzy. (A/N: Can you relate to that?)

"Aw, crap." I clutched my head.

I wobbled slowly to the door and fumbled on the doorknob. I finally opened the door and stepped outside, shaking my head in desperate hope for the aching to go away. I went straight to the dining table.

"Morning Miku-san!" Aunt Lenka smiled.

"Good morning." I greeted back, politely. I looked around the dining room. "Where's Len?" I asked.

"Oh that kid. He's still asleep. Could you Please wake him up again?" Aunt Lenka requested.

My face heat up but I quickly shook it away. "Okay."

I opened the door and as always, cute I mean not cute! Stupid potato-like llama sleeping in his bed. I remember what happened the last time I went to wake him up. I blushed and went to think about an Emergency Plan.

Fated To Be With (Miku x Len)Where stories live. Discover now