Damsel in Distress

712 51 33

~ ♡ ~

Miku's POV

Warning: Violence (I guess?) And a bit of cussing.

You have been warned.

Dedicated to:


Hah, so many kind people out there.. T﹏T Arigatou!

I woke up. But I couldn't see anything.. What's going on?? Have I gone blind?!

I was about to reach up and wave my hand in front of my face when I was stopped. And I heard the sounds of metal clinking. What the hell?

I felt something on my wrists. It's heavy... And metallic. What the heck are these??

"Hello?!" I called out. But only my echoes responded me back.

I started to panic. Seriously, where am I?? And.. And am I chained up?

I wriggled and kicked desperately to get out. And yes, I'm aware that it doesn't really do anything and my effort was pretty much useless, but seriously, if you were in my place, wouldn't you do the same?

"Hello! Somebody!!" I yelled. I seriously don't know if this is just a prank or if I'm really chained up. But if this was a prank, Im'ma really beat the hell outta that prankster.

I was about to scream again when I heard a chuckle. Da fuq??

"Oi! Whoever you are, get me out!" I snapped.

"Jeez Hatsune, why are you still fighting back? You know that It's pretty much useless." I froze. That voice..

The person lifted out my blindfold. "Miss me?" The person said, smiling sadistically.

"Honne." I spat.

"The one and only." He laughed. "Well, unless you were talking about my dear mother."

"Hahaha.. Very funny." I said, sarcastically.

"Thanks for helping me, Neru." Dell smiled sweetly behind him. I looked back. I saw Neru staring guiltily at the ground. I took a quick glance around. This place.. Why is it so damn familiar...

"Is this--!"

"Yep." Dell smirked. "Still the same as always, huh?"

I frowned, wondering why the place is empty.

"Oh, if you're wondering about How the place is empty, I killed everybody." Dell smiled.

"You're still a monster, aren't you?" I gritted my teeth. "No wonder you were almost executed."

His expression turned dark. He then reached and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. I wriggled, trying to break free from his grip, but he only held my chin tighter "What do you mean, Miku-chan? Your hurting your master's feelings you know..." He smirked in a mocking way.

Master?? Who the hell does he think he is, Kyoya?? Sorry bro, but this isn't Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji.

"You? Master?? As if you are one." I laughed bitterly. "Your more like a pain in the ass."

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