Meeting Neru

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Miku's POV

"Neru? What are you doing  here?" I demanded. I wanna kill myself for being so kind  to her in the first place. Ugh.

"Miku-san. What a surprise. I was talking to Lenny-kun, not you." She smiled, obviously fake like spray cheese.

"I'm not talking to you too. I'm talking to that picture of a monkey there."

She rolled her eyes at me. "You were obviously talking to me. You even said my name."

"That's because you are a monkey." I said.

She Glared at me. "Well, What about you?"

"A human obviously." I replied.

"A human? Ha! You are just damaging this world with your ugliness."

I kept quiet, not wanting to start an arguement, even though I am already giving all my efforts not to bash her head on the wall until she bleeds to death.

"What's going on, Neru?" Len asked impatiently. Duh, a creature was summoned from the underworld to make us suffer. Well, make me suffer.

"Checking on a friend." She said, simply. Wait, checking? So you mean she's been following us the whole day?! How did she manage to know where were going? I mean, how else did she know how to find us and check on Len when she doesn't know where in this world we are?

"You mean stalking me." Len spat. "And your not my friend. Miku is. A best friend."

'Are you dragging me right in your problem, Len?' I thought, groaning. But I swore I felt my cheeks heat up for a bit. Weird...

Neru seemed to be taken aback for awhile. Then she pursed her lips and forced a smile. "Never mind! I just found my lost paperclip! Oh how I've been looking everywhere for you. Well, I better get going now!" Mackenzie made that excuse too. Guess she is a fan of Dork Diaries.

"Yeah, right. You better scram!" I said.

She glared at me and smiled sickly sweet at Len and sashayed away. Just like Mackenzie. Typical demons.

"Finally, she's gone." Len sighed in relief.

"How did she find us here?" I  asked.

"I have no idea. Unless she put a tiny microchip on my phone that could be used to track us where we are then that might be the reason why she's here now." He joked.

"That's it! For once, your a genius Len!" I said, liting up like christmas lights.

"Oh, Well, Thank you. I've been flattered." He said, embarrased. Really? =__=

"For once, Okay. Just this once." I said, exagerating the word once. "Gimme your phone."

"What? Why?" He asked.

"Just give it to me." I said.

He shrugged then gave me his phone. I took it from him and opened the back case from his phone and I saw no microchip. I frowned.

"Why are you frowning?" He asked.

"It's not here." I muttered.

"What's not here? Tell me What's going on on your mind, woman!" He cried.

"Okay, Geez! Just, chill will ya?" I said, shaking my head. "Okay, so I'm looking for a microchip."

He gave me a strange look. "That was a joke, Miku. What I said earlier about the microchip."

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