Moving Out

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This chapter is dedicated to the following people for voting and or commenting:

• @ashley15678
• @tachxn21
• @zakurakiri
• @DarknessofLove68
• @cherry556677
• @just-maria-g
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• @cedespallones_23
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• @LittleFanFicAuthor
• @ConfusedSenpai
• @Jacob787
• @lonelywolf12
• @jesselsajonas
• @Snowy_Mikulen
• @TherizalynGonzaga

Whew, that was a long list..

Please check out my new story, 'Book of Desires'. It's a USUK fanfic. (America x England). But it's yaoi though.

Thank you!

Miku's POV


I packed my remaining stuff away in boxes since I'm moving out of Len's mansion.

"Are you done, Mi-chan?" Len hollered behind the closed door of my bedroom. "Your taking so long!"

"It wouldn't have been so long of you were helping me!"

"Fine!" Len said and entered my room. "I'll help."

"Can't you be so polite and knock on the door? Even once?" I joked.

"Wha-! Seriously??" Len whined.

"I was just kidding, idiot." I rolled my eyes. Before he could react about how I called him an idiot, I added; "Now help me probably you ain't gonna receive any goodbyes from me."

"Your mean!"

"Seriously? Were still gonna see each other during school." I said, packing up my last stuff and bringing it outside.

"Still!!" Len complained.

I walked out the room and went to the car- ahem, I mean the limousine, and placed the box there. Aunt Lenka made me bring leeks and her old books with me, with which I happily agreed. Books and leeks are the best. That's why I have a lot of boxes with me. Not that I mind.

"Len is being clingy to you, isn't he?" Uncle Rinto said.

"Oh Hey, Uncle Rinto." I smiled.

"Hello." He smiled.

"How did you know about Len being clingy?" I asked, curiously.

"I don't. I just figured it out." He said.

"What do you mean?"

He sat down the edge of the trunk and looked up the clouds. I moved a few stuff away and I sat down next to him. Just because. Actually, I just felt tired standing up so that's why I sat down.

"Did he tell you about how your his first friend?" He asked me.

"He did." I nodded.

"Well, that's why he's acting so clingy. He doesn't want you to go away. That's why when you two started to hang out with each other, he was so happy to be friends with you that he agreed for you to stay here when your oniichan was recovering."

"Oh." Wow. I didn't even thought about this. This is so random.

"I hope both of you will stay friends." Uncle Rinto nodded.

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