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Thanks from that suuper long break, I'm not that stressed now!

Thank you so much, @Vocanimae787! >o<

And to all these wonderful people too:

Seeing so many people supporting me feels me with determination.

Am I right or am I right? XD Did any of you got the reference? Yo, where are my fellow undertale fans at?

Anyway, let's get on with the story! XD

Len's POV

"So, where do you think she is?" I asked Yuuma.

"I heard that they were talking about escaping somewhere out there..." Yuuma said.

"That's all you heard?" I asked. 

"Nah, that was a joke." He said, although what he said earlier doesn't sound like a joke at all.

I frowned at him while Mikuo had a poker face on.

"Okay, sorry." He cleared his throat. "I'll be serious now."

"Now," Mikuo said. "Where were we?"

"Okay, so I heard they were going to a particular new place." He shrugged. "I think he said it was in another building."

I sighed inwardly. Another freaking building? Really man?

"Where's the building at?" I asked.

Yuuma explained to us where the building is located.

"5 kilometers away, huh?" I mumbled. "A bit far away, but I think we can make it in 15 minutes if we speed up."

"How would you know?" Yuuma joked.

"Because I do." I gave him a piercing stare.

He sighed. "Jeez, can't you just loosen you for a bit, man? You're too serious."

I clenched my fists. What's this guy's problem? Gritting my teeth, I replied. "What would you do if a person precious to you gets kidnap? Would you loosen up?"

He smiled. "Maybe. Maybe not." Then his face turned serious. "Either way, I couldn't save her...." he mumbled.


He shook his head. "Were gonna save Miss Hatsune, aren't we? Enough talking."

That was enough for me to keep quiet. Whatever back story he has, it's probably tragic enough that he doesn't want to tell me.

"Okay. Let's think of a plan." Mikuo said. "Does any of you know the interior plan of the building or have been there before?"

"I have." Yuuma spoke.

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