Evil Plans

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Hello! Im really sorry for the late update! Those of you who are waiting for mi update, here it is! Sorry for waiting so long! It's just that I have so many homework and projects to do! Teachers! Please! Y u so Brutal?! Anyways, Please forgive me!!! *bows a couple of times like a madman*

And.... I dedicate this chapter to the following awesomely awesome (Prussia : Hey! I'm the only one who's awesome!
Me: Shush and go back to my Hetalia fanfic world *pushes him back*) peeps:

• @vampiregonecrazy
• @MikuLover01
• @lonelywolf12
• @BeMine_Kawaii
• @Otakulover15
• @Ra_2511
• @mikumikulen_lover
• @BernaCetin
• @AphKanshai
• @ KawaiiYaoiGirl
• @That_fangirl246
• @LittleFanFicAuthor

And the list goes on..

YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! *cries happily*

Miku's POV

"What do you think Neru and Dell is planning?" I started.

Len scratched the back of his neck. "I have no idea. Everything about them is evil, so therefore, they're planning somthing evil."

I frowned. "I know they're planning something evil. What I mean is that what do you think their plan is?"

"If they left some clues, I should've known their plans by now, but.. They didn't."

"Yay... Totally helpful." I said, sarcastically.

"Eh? I was?" Len gave me a confused look. This idiot really didn't bothering searching for the word 'sarcastic', did he?

"Never mind." I sighed. "Putting Neru and Dell aside, I think my bro's being weird..."

"Really? Like what Kind weird? Weird as in he's saying random stuff or he's personality isn't quite like him?" Len asked.

"The second one. He's not being himself."

"Oh... Why is he acting like he isn't himself?"

"I have no idea.." I said, sadly.

"Why is it that you think he's weird?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" I said, a little irritated.

"Because a discussion is supposed to have a lot of questions." He pouted.

Woah, he's smart all of a sudden! O . O Is this the apocalypse?! "How did you know-... You got this from the internet, did you?"

He hid his phone from his pocket. "No...?"

I frowned. "Liar."

"Whatever." He crossed his arms, stubbornly.

"Anyways, I think he's being weird because he's been ignoring my calls, but he answers my texts."

"Maybe he just really didn't notice your calls.." Len said.

"What about the texts part?"

"Well, Maybe he noticed the messages...?"

"That's impossible. And he's been ignoring two of my calls already. How can get not notice that??"

"Um... Because.. Because..." Len racked his brain for the possible reasons. He clutched his forehead and thought deeply. But Nothing came into his mind.

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