Videogames and Snowy

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Miku's POV

"Oh, right. Len? What's the name of your dog?" I asked.

"Snowy." He answered.

"Because he's white?"

"How did you know?" He asked, wrinkling his forehead.

What the..?! Seriously?! =__=

"I can't believe that your this idiotic." I facepalmed.

"Huh? I was just asking." Len frowned.

"Isn't it obvious that the word Snowy is like snow and snow is like white?" I sighed, impatiently.

He thought for awhile. I waited. He still continued. I waited. He still thought. I waited.

"Aha!" He said, happily. "I understand now!"

"Took you long enough just to understand a simple word." I rolled my eyes. I wonder how he even survived getting out of his house..

"Hehe." Len said, akwardly.

"Anyway, Where's his room?" I asked.

"Follow me." Len said, and led me to Snowy's room.

We reached inside there. Len opened the door and suddenly screamed. "AAAH!! Oh my God!!" He staggered back. I jumped back too and screamed in alarm.

"Dude! What the fruck?!" I yelled at him. "Why d'you scream like a little girl that's gone mad?!"

"I thought it was a murderer! But it's actually just Snowy." He sighed in relief.

"You got afraid of your own dog?!" I almost screamed.


"Okay, your giving me a headache, you know?" I clutched my forehead. "You actually thought your own dog is a murderer. Wow."

"I really thought he was!"

I just sighed and went near his dog who was sleeping until Len screamed like a gay that he is. So now, he's awake and confused. I smiled softly and patted Snowy's head. He seemed to be afraid of going near me at first, but After awhile, he's calm. Snowy licked me on the face and I giggled, picking him up.

"How Come he likes you more than me?" Len whined. "The first time I got him, he growled and almost bit me."

"That's because he probably hates idiots." I laughed and scratched Snowy behind his ear. "Am I right boy? Am I?"

He barked in reply.

"See?" I smirked. Len grumbled something under his breath. Something about dogs and him.

"Ooh, can he play catch?" I asked, getting a ball from his cabinet. Yes, you heard right. A dog has a cabinet. "Catch, Snowy!" I said, throwing the ball. Snowy ran, almost immediately and retrieved the ball to me in a split second. Not really second, but you get the point.

"Haha! Who's a good doggy? Who is?" I cuddled Snowy. He barked. "That's right, you are. You are." I smiled.

"He's been Well trained." Len said, proudly.

"I'm happy for Snowy. At least he's a lot more mature than you." I said.

"Hey." Len scowled.

Snowy suddenly looked really tired. "Aww, Are you tired Snowy? Well, you deserve an afternoon's rest. Good evening... I mean, afternoon, Snowy."

Snowy looked sad, but he agreed and trotted back to his bed. Wow, a dog with a large bed. He is, indeed, a lucky dog!

I closed the door gently and Len followed me, whining. "I'm bored."

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