Neru Akita

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                     ~  ♡  ~

Miku's POV

After that ice cream fiasco, me and Len stood up from our seats and went outside. We just walked and use the stairs for going up to the classroom because Im traumatized on riding elevators from now on! >____<

"Dude, thanks for treating me back there." I said grinning like a village fool.

"Meh. It was no problem. At least I treated a beautiful girl." Len said in a flirtatious manner. (LOL is that even a word?) Okay, lets just say Flirty manner.

"Since when are you saying such stuff?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Duh. Since now?" Len said rolling his eyes.

"Whew, your back to your usual self. You scared me back there." I sighed.

"Ehehe. You probably dont like my flirty attitude." He smiled looking straight ahead.

And we arrived at the stairs...... The long and high stairs..... O^O

"Th-these are the stairs?" ;A; I asked my upper face darkening.

"Y-yeah." Len smiled and sweatdropped.

"Let's hope we survive after this." I sighed as we started to go up.

We are not even halfway when my laziness starts to attack.

"Ugh! This is useless! We are never going to get up! The classroom is on the 8th floor and were still on the 2nd floor and Im already tired!!" I complained. "Len, carry me!"

"No way!" Len breathed heavily. "You carry your own lazy butt!!"

"PIIIIIIIGGY-BAAAAAACK RIIIIIIIIIIIDEEEEEEE!!!" I yelled complaining loudly. Not caring if this might lead me to trouble and mess my good record.

"No!" Len defended. "And stop shouting! Your embarrasing yourself!"

"Carry me, or else." I said in a dark manner. I swore I could almost feel Satanic flames going on behind my back. Len went pale and gulped.

"O-okay! I'll carry you! Fried Bananas...." He muttered.

He bent down and I quickly went up his back and he stood up and started walking up the stairs.

"Ooh! The view is good in here! I didnt know you were so tall! Okay, so you are 12 inches taller than me. You are tall. Wow! 12 inches taller than me?! I didnt notice that! Okay, so I did. But I didnt took it seriously! Your so tall! I envy you. Your view of sight must be good since your tall. Wow! Your amazing! Normal students must be like ants to you! Hahahah! Ants you could squish! But Im not one of them, okay?! Im tall for a girl. Your just taller than me. But Im tall Remember that! Or else banana man!" I babbled.

"Stop talking..." Len muttered a deep red blush plastered across his face. "And... Banana man?"

"Your new nickname." Then I changed the subject before he could protest. "Ehehe! Are you blushing again!" I asked going near his face.

"No!" He said looking at the side. Yeah. He is definetly blushing. :]

"Hahaha! Dont act like a tsundere Len!" I said teasing him.

"Your.... *huff* A tsundere too." He said struggling for sentences. "Ugh.. This is making me blush...." he muttered but loud enough for me to hear.

"Ahah! So you are blushing." I teased.

"Stop it!"

During the rest of the trip, LOL kinda a trip, I burried my face on Len's shoulders. He blushed even more since Im near his face. On a lot of huffing and puffing, we finally arrived at the classroom.

Fated To Be With (Miku x Len)Where stories live. Discover now