A Mystery Yet To Be Solved

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That lame drawing over there, that's my drawing. I drew Miku Hatsune. I hope you liked it. (I hope you didn't strain your neck to look at it.) (I think it's ugly) I put it there because, I just did.... Okay, I was bored.. So, Uh.

*Coughs* Sorry for the late update. A lot of things are bothering me. *ehem* bridging *ehem*

What a long tittle... -   3   -

Oh, and Please do check my new story, Life Hacks! :D.

And this is dedicated to:



For adding my story to their reading list!

And to my new followers:



You guys are the best! Stay cool!
(If you want to be dedicated to my story and your either a follower, you vote for my story, or added my story to your reading list, PM me)

Miku's POV

We finally arrived and we ran to our school.

"Crap, what time is it?" I said while running.

"I don't know! Either way, were late." Len said.

"Er," I inhaled in lots of air.

We arrived at school and I  almost toppled over.

"Oh shiz! You okay??" Len asked, checking on me.

"Yes, I'm Fine." I said, my face flushed with embarrassment. I  breathed in. "Let's go."

We ran all the way to the prefect of office and asked for a late slip.

"You two are late?" The prefect ask.

Duh, isn't it obvious? "Yes." I breath heavily.

"Oh," The prefect said and gave us that stupid slip.

"Thanks." I said and ran out.

"Wait!" Len called to me. "Thanks Mr. Prefect sir!" He ran to me.

We arrived at the freaking classroom almost out of breath.

"Mr. Kagamine and Ms. Hatsune?" Mr. Shion said. "Why are you two late?" He asked, while we gave him our late slips.

"Er, we woke up late." Len said, using the same Excuse we Told the man awhile ago.

Mr. Shion stared at us. "Mm'kay."

We both sat down on our seats, exhausted like hell. Len drank the water in his bottle. The lucky idiot. He wiped his lips with the back of his hand. I admit, he looked quite sexy... WHAT THE HELL. He mustve noticed I've been staring at him because he said, "here" And handed me his water bottle.

"Um, it's Okay." I said. Wait, he was drinking it earlier. And if i drank it, i-isn't that i-i-indirect k-kissing?? >/////

"Nah, it's Fine. You look like you needed water." Len said. A few girls noticed and glared at me, ready to turn me into devil's food.

"Er, um... Fine." I blushed. I grabbed his water bottle and very carefully drank it, without my lips touching the rim.

"Thanks." I gave him back his bottle. A few fangirls whined quietly.

Fated To Be With (Miku x Len)Where stories live. Discover now