Slow Day

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                       ~  ♡  ~

Miku's POV

I closed my mouth After I let out a loud scream. Curse myself.

"What the heck, what happened?!" Len asked, rushing towards me.

"The... Lamp fell.." I stammered.

"That's it? Just a lamp? Geez, No need to be all panicky." Len muttered.

"I-I'm sorry.. I promise I'll pay for it. Don't worry." I hung my head low.

"Miku-San, you don't need to pay for it." Aunt Lenka smiled gently.

"B-but.. It was my fault that the lamp fell. I lost my balance earlier and grabbed the coffee table then the lamp fell and shattered to pieces." I explained.

"It was just an accident anyway. Don't worry about it." Uncle Rinto said.

"A-are you sure? Or you just felt sorry for me?" I asked.

"It's okay. Were just glad your fine." Aunt Lenka said and hugged me. Her hug felt like a hug from a real mother. Not like those fake ones.. Like my mother. Without thinking, I hugged back.

She chuckled. "Let's have breakfast, shall we? After this, at least you and Lenny could play some board games or watch movies."

"Okay." I agreed smiling and broke the hug.

Aunt Lenka called one of her maids and asked her to clean the lamp. I feel really guilty for the poor broken lamp. We gathered together on the breakfast table. This time, our breakfast is pancakes with orange juice. We prayed the prayer before meals as always. Then we ate. I love, love, love the pancakes! > ω < They're so yummy. Honey drizzled down the sides of the pancake with butter on top. And there are even blueberries on the sides. But I'm not saying that the previous food that I ate wasn't yummy. Everything is yummy.

"Thank you for the food." I said After I finished eating.

"Wait!" Len shoved the last pancake he has and gulped down the orange juice and ran to me, almost tripping himself.

I sighed. "When are you gonna even learn how to walk properly without even tripping on yourself?"

"Geez sorry.." He muttered.

"Anyways, wanna watch movies?" I asked Len.

"Sure! Let's go to my room." Len said, gesturing me to follow him.

We entered his room and I immediately went to find a DVD. It's quite easy to look for it cause he has hundereds of 'em on a cabinet. Bet he didn't even watch half of his DVDs. =___=

I trailed my fingers on the DVDs while silently reading them. I frowned, not seeing anything that catches my eye.

"Your not seeing anything that interests you?" Len asked.

"Yeah." I muttered. Then I saw something that made me curious. I slipped it out.

"What that?" Len asked, going near me.

"A DVD." I rolled my eyes.

"No, I mean what tittle?" Len frowned.

"I dunno. Oh Wait, how is this pronounced.. Con what ring?"

Len looked at the DVD and his eyes widen. "You mean Conjuring? That movie's flipping scary."

"Then why did you bought it?" I asked.

"I dunno!"

"How Come you don't know?" I sighed.

"Because I just don't."

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