School Cancelled!

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OK, so before I go on with the story, I need to tell you something. I know your all very impatient and are already in the edge of your seat that you could fall face first on the ground and receive a free plastic surgery from the ground, A.K.A Doctor Ground, which, trust me, isn't a very good doctor at all. (Have you seen people smash their faces on the ground? Their faces weren't looking so pleasant after smashing their faces, right?). I'm getting a little off topic here. Anyway, I just wanna say, THANK YOU FOR THE 1K+ READS AND FOR 50+ VOTES!!! WOOP WOOP *throws confetti everywhere, accidentally threw some on your mouth, causing you to choke on it* Oops, sorry. (This is why nobody makes me eat too much chocolate...) And of course, Thank you to you, my dear beloved readers. Without you, this story is not successful. People who votes my story makes me motivated to write. I promise I'll try to update. *audience gets teary eyed* Stay cool everyone! *Peace sign and bows about 90°*

*dramatic glitter sprinkling everywhere and a theater curtain opens up*

Miku's POV

After all those videogames, I felt tired.

I yawned. "Er, what time is it?"

"It's still.... 6 PM." Len answered.

"So sleepy..." I stretched my arms.

"Wanna eat dinner so you could sleep early?" Len asked.

"Shouldn't we be waiting for your parents or something?" I asked.

"It's Okay. They'll understand. Were just gonna see them tomorrow morning anyway. Besides, you look pretty tired." Len shrugged.

"Um.. Okay." I can't help but think that he is so sweet... Ignore what I said. I think my brain is defective today.

Me and Len went down the stairs.

Len called his chef and told him to cook dinner using those microphone thingies.

I sat on a chair and Len sat across from me. The table is so darn big that probably if you sat with a friend across from you, it feels more like a mile or something. Not kidding.

Then I heard the call of the wild.

"What the hell was that?" I looked around frantically, searching for the source of sound.

Len suddenly put his hand over his stomach.

"Why are you doing that?" I asked. Then I gasped. "Don't tell me your REALLY a gay and your pregnant?!!" I shrieked.

"What?! No I'm not!!" Len protested, surprised.

"Oh. Whew." I sighed in relief. "So, why are you clutching your stomach? And what was that sound?"

"That was my stomach growling. I'm hungry." Len muttered, embarrassed.

"Oh, Okay. But honestly though, your stomach sounded like a lion whose voice got damaged or something." I admitted.

"Your so mean!!" Len whined.

Then the chef came and served us food. It's chicken. But not those typical simple ones. Yum!

"I wanna be the prayer leader." I offered.

"Okay then."

We prayed the prayer before meals. Then we finally ate. Yes! Even though I was super hungry that I literally wanna just rip the chicken out, I still ate slowly because, Hello!? Manners? I finished my dinner in just a flash. Kidding, nobody can just eat something in a flash. Probably Captain from Sket Dance though. Her stomach is like a black hole or something.

Fated To Be With (Miku x Len)Where stories live. Discover now