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season 1, episode 1

' i thought i'd never see you again '


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I WAS WITH CLARKE WHEN EVERYTHING HAPPENED. me and clarke were separated, put in jail. our father was floated. i was devastated, although he wasn't my biological father he still played the part and was always there for us. the only reason we got into the mess was because we tried telling everyone the truth. they deserved to know.

i woke up due to the jail cell opening. two male guards came and picked up my fragile body aggressively.

"what's happening?" i question the guards. i franticly squirm around in their arms trying to set myself free.

"where are you taking me?" i say panicked but still not getting a response. they drag me out of the cell. i look around and see clarke and our mother, together.

"let me go!" i snap at the guards and kick them. i run towards my mother and clarke.

"mom it's happening isn't it, we're all gonna die aren't we?" i spoke as my eyes water.

"they're killing us all aren't they? reducing population to make more time for the rest of you?"clarke says on the verge of tears as our mother pulls us both into a hug.

"girls, you are not being executed. you're being sent to the ground." she says as she pulls away.

i couldn't speak. i thought the ground wasn't survival.

"what? but it's not safe." i state as tears fall down my face.

"the rules have changed, this gives you a chance to live." our mother spoke as she puts a hand on our face to cup it.

"both of your instincts will tell you to take care of everybody first just like your father, but be careful. i cant lose you, as well. i love you both so much." she says while rubbing both of our faces.

suddenly, i felt a sharp pain in my back. me and clarke gradually fell on our mom.

my eyes open up slowly, but as i start looking around my eyes open wide. i looked like a deer in headlights. i find myself sitting next to other teenagers, my friends.

"athena?" clarke smiles at me.

"clarke! thank god your here. i thought i'd be sitting alone." i say while grabbing a hold of her hand.

i see a familiar person sitting next to clark. wells?

"wells what are you doing here?"

"i asked him the same exact thing." clarke says annoyed by his presence.

a sudden shake happens, people start screaming. me and clarke hold onto each other's hands tighter.

"what was that?" clarke asks.

"that was the atmosphere." wells reply's.

all of a sudden the chancellor appears on the screen. i look directly across me and see him.

"atom!" i yell trying to get his attention. i felt sick to my stomach, the only reason he was here was because of me. he tried to help me escape from prison but failed and was incarcerated.

"athena! are you okay?" he asked with a relieved smile.

"yeah i'm fine, are you?" i say with a smile on my face. although i may feel guilty, there a part of me that's glad he's here, if i were to chose one person to be on earth with it would be him.

"yeah i am, look i'm going to try and come over to you."

"no don't! stay in your seat once this thing lands you'll immediately hit the ground." i reply before he could take anything off.

a guy with long hair starts floating around.

"looks like your dad did float me after all." the boy grins at wells.

he starts talking to clarke and says that his name is finn. i hadn't really payed attention to their brief conversation because the only thing i could really focus on were people getting out of their seats.

"stay in your seats!" clarke yells trying to warn them.

out of no where people crashed against the hard floor. the lights started flicking. it all landed roughly but everything stoped and started getting quiet.

we all looked around, dumbfounded.

"listen, no machine hum." monty says across the room in awe.

everyone's buckles unlock and we're set free. i stand up quickly and let go of clarkes hand. i run towards atom and give him the biggest hug.

"i thought i'd never see you again." i pull away and look into his eyes.

i grab his hand and climb down to the lower level.

"the air could be toxic." clarke states to an older boy in a guards uniform.

"if the air is toxic, we're all dead anyway." he replies making a good point.

"bellamy?" a girl spoke behind me. i look back and see her. octavia blake, she was kept under the floor all along. unlike me i was fortunate, my biological parents were both floated so abby and jake took me in.

the guy turns to his little sister.

"my god, look how big you are." bellamy says while octavia immediately hugs him.

"what the hell are you wearing? a guards uniform?" octavia questions bellamy.

"i borrowed it, to get on the drop ship. someones got to keep an eye on you."

"where's your wristband?" clarke intervenes.

"do you mind? i haven't seen my brother in a year."

"no one has a brother." some random guy blurted out.

"that's octavia blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor." another person yelled. octavia let's her anger get a hold of her and tries to attack them.

"octavia no! let's give them something else to remember you by." bellamy  reassures her while holding onto her.

"yeah like what?"

"like being the first person on the ground in 100 years." he grins. something about him made me feel attracted to him, maybe it was the way he smirked.

bellamy pulls the latch and the door opens. air escapes. we all look around seeing the beautiful green trees and the light blue sky.

i inhale deeply taking a big breath of the fresh air. i hadn't expected any of this at all.

octavia walks forward and takes a step on the ground. she looks around and smiles.

"we're back bitches!" she yells out of happiness while putting her hands up in the air.

i smile and look at atom while grabbing his hand. he had the biggest smile on this face. everyone starts running around.

i finally felt free.

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