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season 2, episode 13

'  i don't want this to be the
last time we kiss '


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WE ALL START BLOCKING OFF EXITS IN THE DINING HALL. i look at jasper holding an axe and i somehow let out a weak smile with all the chaos going on.

"we took the level. but now we have to hold it. they will be coming and we need to be ready." jasper yelled as i walked over to a table and grabbed a knife.

i head over to atom and looked at him.

"how long do you think we'll be able to hold them off?" he asked me.

"i don't know." i furrowed my brows.

after some time we all sit around waiting for them to come and attack us.

all of a sudden an explosion is heard. i turned my head quickly at the source of the sound. peoples gasps were heard as me and atom got up off the floor.

i grab a gun and put the knife in my pocket.

"here let me handle that." atom said while taking the heavy machine from out of my hands.

"some of them aren't wearing hazmats suites." monty says from across the room. me and atom walked closer to them to find out what's going on.

"what's it mean?" miller asked him.

"it means they're cured. marrows treatment worked." jasper looked up at us.

men shouting was heard from behind the walls. atom turns his head and motions me to back up.

"get ready." jasper said.

loud bangs were heard coming from the door. as they continued to hit the doors they fell open. i back up and get ready for gunfire.

the guards then throw bombs into the room. it was exactly what we wanted to happen.

i laid on the floor to act like i was passed out. i heard footsteps come closer. i then hear jaspers yell. that was our cue.

i got up off the floor and stabbed a guard. another then came from behind me, i turned quickly and stabbed him in his chest. i looked at the ground and saw a small gun. i picked it up quickly and shot any guard that was in close range.

i looked at atom to see him shooting the large machine gun. i went next to him and started shooting the guards as they got close to him.

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