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season 2, episode 3

'  that's bullshit '


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MONTY COMES UP FROM BEHIND ATOM, running. you could tell the boy was out of breath. f furrow my brows and look at him.

"hey guys! have you seen, clarke?" he asked looking at me.

"not for a while." i looked at him.

"we saw her recently." atom places a card down.

"why what's wrong?" i look at him, getting worried about my sisters well being.

"she's gone. i've looked and asked everyone, i just have a bad feeling about this." he says taking in deep breaths of air.

"how about we go and check around again. i'm sure she's wandering around somewhere?" i drop the deck of uno cards.

"yeah, okay." monty softly spoke. i got up out my chair and grabbed atom by his arm. we head out the doors and check everywhere.

clarke was no where to be found. lunch was being issued and i sat at the dinning table wondering where clarke had gone.

"hey." jasper stood in front of monty. monty didn't respond, he had a cold look on his face.

"nice to see you, too." jasper says.

"sorry. i was hoping you were clarke." monty frowns.

"still haven't seen her?" jasper asked.

"no. i don't think she slept in her bed last night." i look up at jasper, answering his question for monty. jasper sat next to atom taking in all this information.

"what do we do?" atom asked. jasper looked around the room and got closer to us.

"maya has acces to everything through her job. maybe she can snoop around." jasper said. i looked across the room and see maya reading.

"would she do that?" i asked jasper.

"yeah. if clarkes in trouble, she can find out." he nods his head.

"i don't know, but clarke doesn't trust them. what if she's right?" monty said.

"we can trust maya." jasper looked at her. we stay quiet thinking of clarke.

"at least i think we can." jasper says.

"besides, what choice do we have?" jasper finished. i looked at him and slightly nodded my head.


we sat at a small table waiting for maya to come back for information. i slouched in the chair waiting profusely until i see the girl come up to us. she then sat in the chair and i quickly fixed my posture.

"find out something? what is it?" jasper asked the girl.

"apparently, clarke had some kind of breakdown. she just snapped. started pulling out her stitches, trying to hurt herself." maya said. i looked at her confused. i know my sister and clarke wouldn't of that.

"where is she now?" i spoke harshly. atom took notice to my tone and placed a hand on back.

"psych ward. being monitored. i talked to a friend who works there. she thinks it might be a couple of days before the doctors let anyone see her." maya looked at me.

"that's bullshit. we'll see about that." i got up. monty and atom quickly followed behind.

as i step out the dinning hall doctor tsing came up to me.

"athena, you forgot to meet me for our appointment." she said. i looked back at atom and monty with confused looks on their faces.

"oh right, yeah sorry. why don't we get going now?" i asked her. she nods her head.

"i'll be back, i'll meet up with you guys." atom and monty nodded their heads and walked away.

i followed tsing to the infirmary. i walk through the door and settle in on a cot.

"how are you doing, athena?" she asked.

"fine, thank you." i nodded my head. she smiled and proceeded to grab her tools.

"alright, im gonna need you to lie down." she said. i followed her instructions and lied down.

"you know the drill. just gonna put the jel on." she said. i mumbled a small "yeah" and watched as she grabbed the prob and turned on the ultra sound machine.

"and there we go, look at your babies." she smiled. i looked at the twins in awe, smiling widely.

"do you wanna hear their heartbeats?" she asked me. i widen my eyes and smiled.

"you can do that?" i looked at her and looked right back at the babies.

"yup." she smiled.

"then yes, of course i would." she then turned on a machine. i heard two heartbeats. they weren't in sync but i still enjoyed it. i smile at hearing my babies heartbeat.

"for some reason it feels more real?" i laughed.

"it make sense." she laughed.

"alright now i'm gonna take a couple pictures so you can have them for safe keeping." she said. she then took the ultrasound pictures and handed them over to me.

"everything looks healthy again, have you been taking the prenatals?" she asked me.

"yes, with my breakfast."

"great. now come by in 3 weeks and everything will be great. don't be late this time." she laughed as she took the gel off.

"i won't." i smiled and got up off the bed. i stared at the pictures knowing how amazed bellamy would be. i hid them in my pocket.

"thank you, for everything." i smiled and walked to the door.

"no problem, athena." she smiled as i walked out.

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