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THE 48
season 2, episode 1, 1.2

' i'm so glad your alive '

I LIE DOWN ON THE BED IN THE INFIRMARY, thinking about how all of this is possible

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I LIE DOWN ON THE BED IN THE INFIRMARY, thinking about how all of this is possible.

"how far along am i?" i asked the doctor.

"about 3-6 weeks." i think about the amount of stress that i put myself through these past week and hope that the baby is okay.

"honey, how old are you?" she asked as she pulled a ultrasound machine closer to the cot.

"i'm only 18. i— i don't know how i'm gonna do this. i don't even know if the father of the baby is alive." my eyes dwell with tears.

"hey, think about it this way. if you have this baby you will have a lifelong memory of him. but if you can't handle it then we can terminate this pregnancy." she spoke softly.

"no, i wanna keep it." i wipe the hot tears away.

"thank you." i smile.

"no problem, sweetie. now i'm going to put this cold jell on your abdomen, okay?" i nod at her reply and let her squirt it on my stomach. i slightly flinch to the coldness and slowly get used to it. she turns on the machine and gets everything ready.

she grabs the probe and starts circling around my uterus. she looks at the screen with her eyes widened. i couldn't tell what was wrong because the screen was facing her.

"what's wrong? is my baby okay, is it alive?" i asked propping my head up.

"yes— they are very much alive." she slightly mumbled.

"they?" my voice cracks.

"yes athena, you're having twins." she faces the screen towards me and points to the embryos.

"that's baby a, and that's baby b." she says pointing at the screen. i was in to much shock to speak, i particularly zoned out while staring at my babies, no, mine and bellamy's babies.

"it seems i'm right about my hypothesis

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"it seems i'm right about my hypothesis. it looks like your 4 weeks pregnant." she smiles. i look at them, feeling all different types of emotions. i feel overwhelmed, joy, sad, grief, happy, and bliss. i don't know how i can put it in words, but what i do know is that, i wish bellamy was here.

"thank you, so much." i let out a small sob.

"stress isn't good for the baby's, so try to stay as calm and happy as possible. i'll also prescribe you some prenatals so you can have a healthy pregnancy, other than that everything looks good. both of the babies heart beats are healthy and no medical conditions can be found. but it's still too early to confirm that." i nod at everything she says.

"now, i want you to come back in about... one week." she smiles as she pulls the probe away and cleans the jell off my abdomen.

"thank you, again." i smile and get off.

"don't worry about it, now go see your sister sweetie."


i walk into the dinning hall and see atom, jasper, clarke and monty eating together. i walk over to them seeing clarke with a straight face.

"is everything okay?" i pull a chair out and sit with them. i look at clarke and see her staring down dante.

"i thought you were dead. what took you forever?" clarke asked. i wanted to tell her but i couldn't, i wanted the first person i got to tell was bellamy.

"yeah, i was thinking the same thing." atom spoke up.

"she just wanted to talk about my blood work." i smile.

"well i'm glad your okay." she smiles. i smile back at her.

"okay so, look." she pulls out a map of mount weather.

"they gave us a map with no exits. i need you to tell me every thing you've seen. every room. every hall way. every way out." clarke whispers.

"way out?" i questioned.

"clarke, look around. there's no one hunting us here. first time in our lives we're not hungry. they have actual medical supplies and medicine. why would we wanna leave?" i pressed.

"because we have friends out there who need our help." she spoke.

"they're looking for survivors, and they are way better equipped to find them than we were." monty told her. i nodded my head agreeing to his statement. now all i ever want is safety and protection for my babies.

"this place is too good to be true." clarke whispers.

"you're bumming me out. i'm gonna get more cake." jasper gets up.

"wait, what there's cake?" i practically jump out my chair. monty and atom laugh as me and jasper go get cake.

i walk over to the table and see all sorts of food.

"oh, my god, this is all i've ever dreamed of." i say as jasper laughed. we look to find cake but there wasn't any left. i sigh as i was craving something sweet.

"take mine." maya pushes her plate towards jasper.

"thanks, you wanna share athena?" she turned to me.

"oh, i'm good. i'll get some pie though." i smile and walk over to the food and grab a plate. i fill up the plate as much as possible. i've never gotten to eat this much, not even on the ark. no more malnutrition, babies.

i walk back over to the table and atom widens at the amount of food i've gotten.

"damn, it's like your eating for two." atom laughs.

"that's not funny." i stare at him, but laugh at the look on his face.

clarke gets up and walks over to maya.


after clarkes failed escape we all stood around the table, including others.

"for the past and the future, we serve." dante starts.

"we give thanks." everyone says in unison.

"good health, good food, and good company. and the blessing of new friends." dante continues.

"we give thanks." they all say again. after that everyone sat down and ate there dinner. i grab a spoon full of food savoring the delicious flavor.


me and clarke walk into the dormitory that all of us will sleep in. the rooms have multiple bunks. me and clarke look around to find an empty bunk.

"i call bottom bunk." i say as i lay onto the bed.

"fine by me." clarke laughs.

i instantly pass out as my head hits my pillow. my dreams consisted of bellamy.

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