Chapter 13 - Here We Go

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**Anna's POV**

I was laying there listening to my parents talk. I'd been able to hear them most of the time, I just couldn't move and it was extremely frustrating. I'm not sure how long it had been but I knew I heard the doctor say I was in a coma, which explains why I could hear them.

After a bit I'd heard my dad talking about my nurse. I wanted so badly to tell him she drugged me, she caused this to get back at him. The next thing I knew, I could hear the door open and my heart rate picked up. While they were talking I could feel my fingers twitch slightly at Dad mentioning his new tour. WAIT, my fingers were moving! I used all my willpower and managed to open my eyes. My heart went crazy seeing my parents again and apparently the beeping got their attention, because Mom turned around and froze.

I wanted to jump up and hug them but I couldn't move my legs. I could feel them but movement just seemed tiring. Mom ran over to me and nearly crushed my ribs hugging me, so tightly I could barely breathe.

“Anna, baby,” she cried into my shoulder. “I thought you weren't gonna make it! I mean, I hoped you'd wake up but the doctor wasn't confident and I just...” Mom trailed off and I just squeezed her back.

“I have a surprise for you and your mother,” Dad said, stepping forward and putting one hand on each of our shoulders. “But first, Micky, shouldn't you introduce these guys?” He gestured to the strange woman still standing by the door.

“Anna, this is my old best friend,” Mom said quickly. “Katy, this is my beautiful daughter, Anna.”


I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself. I had the box in my jacket pocket, I brought it every day, in case Anna woke up. Ever since she had said something about wishing me and Micky had gotten married, I'd been thinking about it. When she had gone into the coma, I told myself that when she woke up, I'd make her the happiest I possibly could.

“Micky, love, can you come here?” I asked as soon as she was done introducing Anna and Katy.

“What's going on, Kellin?” I loved her voice when she was nervous. Or happy, or excited, or anything really. She had an angels voice.

“Micky,” I started by taking her hands. “Nineteen years ago, we met by pure chance. I bumped into you and you punched me in the face. That night, I couldn't stop thinking about you. A year later you gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl I've ever seen. At that point, I'd already asked you to marry me, and you'd said yes. But we never got the chance.  I love you and Anna more than anything in the world.”

Pausing, I looked at her. All I saw were tears streaming down her face. I released her hands and cupped her beautiful face, brushing a soft kiss across her mouth.

“Micky, would you marry me?” I pulled the box out of my jacket, the same one her ring came in when I proposed by the fountain when we were eighteen.

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