Chapter 9 - If You Can't Hang

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**Micky's POV**

I sat there, stunned at the fact that we were sitting in the hallway outside our daughter's hospital room. Kellin wouldn't quit pacing and I was about to yell at him to stop before he drove me into complete insanity. Just as I opened my mouth, the doctor walked out of Anna's room, making both of us jump and look at him.

"I have good news and bad news," I clenched my hands onto the fabric of my sweatpants. "The bad news is that Anna is dying..." At that, I looked at Kellin, who looked like he was about to faint. The doctor continued, "the good news is that we know what it is and may be able to stop it. I need to go see if we have the supplies and equipment on hand, but you two may go in and visit Anna." With that, he walked away and we practically ran into her room.

I stopped short when I saw my daughter, the girl I hadn't spoken to in nearly eighteen years, all hooked up to wires and tubes running in and out of her arms. I couldn't help it, tears welled up in my eyes.

"Anna, baby," I sat down on the side of her bed and grasped her hands. "I'm so sorry, baby girl, I shouldn't have stayed away. I promise you, baby, we'll do whatever it takes to get you home."

Anna sat up and hugged me. "Mom, I'm glad you came back! I wish you and Dad had gotten married before the crash." That got me thinking, I filed away the thought for when I got Kellin alone to talk to him. Just then, the nurse walked in, and I froze for what seemed like the millionth time that night. I would have sworn I'd seen her somewhere before, she had shoulder-length brown hair and a small, pointy face. I stared, trying to remember where I'd met or seen her before, she was ridiculously familiar.

"OK, Mr and Mrs Quinn, time to go for the night so Anna here can get some sleep." I saw Kellin freeze when the nurse spoke. "Mr Quinn, is something wrong?" she asked, suddenly noticing the tense look on his face.

"No, nothing," I noted the straining in his voice, he was trying to not freak out in the room. "I'm just worried about Anna," he lied, sort of smoothly. I could plainly see through him though. We both quickly hugged Anna and left the hospital, going back to the house. I ended up driving because Kellin was shaking so badly.

When we got back to our house, we just walked up the stairs to our room, too exhausted to bother cleaning up from dinner. I sighed and collapsed on the bed, while Kellin sat next to me and stared at his hands, seeming angry.

"Kells, what's wrong?" I sat up and hugged him from behind. "You got really tense when the nurse talked, but you were lying about why." He just looked at me like he was looking straight through me.

"Micky, that was her!" Kellin suddenly got very angry and dropped his head into his hands. "That was the girl that kissed me the night you told me that you were pregnant, and now she's taking care of our daughter!"

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