Chapter 2 - Postcards and Poleroids

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**Anna's POV**

Don't ask me how I knew the person in that car. I have no idea who it actually is, only that the exact same car is there every day, parked in the same spot, watching. I figure it's probably some undercover cop watching for people speeding and junk in the parking lot. Sigh. My highschool is so stupid. My dad went all old-guy after his band broke up and made me move back to where he graduated from, the same school him and my mom met at.

Dad's told me so much about mom, but I've always wondered about some stuff. Like why people at this school would hurt her. I know the stuff she did to herself when she was in high school, Dad even gave me the same bracelet he gave my mom at their senior prom. It's really pretty, all silver and has the word strong written in crystals. When he gave it to me, he explained everything, even the night she nearly committed suicide. I love my mom, even having never truly known her, but I'm glad I'm not depressed. After Dad told me about that night, I did a ton of digging into my mom's past. He got kinda ticked at me for it, but I couldn't help it! I'm just like that, I gotta know why these things happen to the people it happens to.

Finally, locked deep in my thoughts, I reached my locker. I opened it, looking at the picture I had taped up on the inside of the door. It was my mom and dad, taken at prom by someone else. Mom was standing there in a pinkish gown with dad behind her, his arms around her waist. They looked really happy and in love. I sighed again, thanking the heavens that my dad had never re-married or even dated after mom died. I shut my locker and headed to class, a feeling in my gut that something was going to happen today, the nineteenth anniversary of my parents meeting for the first time.

*     *     *

I jerked, my head nearly bouncing off my desk. Glancing at the clock, I saw that last period was barely halfway over. I took notice, as the announcer just came on, asking me to report to the office to collect a message. Mr. Evans just looked at me and nodded towards the door. I gathered my books and headed out to the office.

Once I reached there, the secretary gave me a paper. I smiled at her, she had been working here since my parents were in school, and she had never liked kids. I wondered why she still worked in a school. She just rolled her eyes and turned away. I shrugged it off and looked at the note:

Dinner, Today, 6pm, Pizza Corner.

Kellin and Anna Quinn only. I miss you both.

Love, someone you've missed.

What on earth?!

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