How theyd react to...

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Summary: how they'd react to you coming out to them in private


Robin: he smiles awkwardly, not quite sure what to say, you did what and who you wanted in his time, so he'd probably smile and say ' cool '

Humphrey: he'd appreciate that you came to him to tell him, in fact he'd be happy ' oh thank you for telling me '

Mary: I Headcannon her as a lesbian so I think she would say ' oh... you too? ' or something along those lines, bare in mind that we don't know why she was seen as a witch... sadly it could be that they found out her sexuality 😞

Kitty: she's so happy that you came to her ( again I think she's a lesbian too, and sort of in love with Alison in a way ), she would laugh and say ' oh I think me too!!'

Thomas: he's a difficult one, I think he would do one of two things:
One: write a poem about it
Two: he'd say he supports you and that it doesn't make you any different in his eyes

Fanny: I think she would pull a face but accept it and say ' it'll take a while to get used to it... but you're like a daughter/son/child to me so I support you y/n '

Captain: I personally would definitely go to him and or pat to come out to first so- his eyes would widen and he'd say ' keep your voice down! ' you'd then be offended and say ' what why?! '
' you'll get yourself killed! ' he'd exclaim, worried for your safety
You'd then smile and say ' captain, it's not illegal anymore '
He'd possibly then come out to you or struggle but you'd understand

Pat: man is so so supportive! I mean he's so happy that you came to him first! And he's telling you that he supports you and that you're so brave for telling him! Man goes the full nine yards to make you feel happy and safe!

Julian: ok so he doesn't mind, in fact he probably knew! He's probably like ' oh... I've known for like two years, but congrats on figuring out ig '

Alison: she would offer to get you a flag, she would tell you she's so proud of you for telling her, and thank you for telling her, she'd probably encourage you to tell the others as well

Mike: if you're alive then he's offering to get you a flag, he'd be a bit awkward about it and be like ' that's... great! I can get you a flag if you'd like'
If your dead then Alison would have told him and he'd shout at the ceiling ' congrats on coming out y/n!!'

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