Maybe hes not so bad

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Description: Julian and you had fought and danced around each other for years, until finally the tension is unbearable, and you realize that he's not so bad

Requested by CryptidKingXd

Y/n is gender neutral

I'm sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoy this :)


You had died in the 1990's, you had been returning from a concert during a storm and crashed your car, causing you to die.

You had been totally against the government and hated all politicians, especially the ones like Julian, fake, cruel, womanizers.

You had met him once in a club, back when you were young, foolish and a fan of the government, this was due to your parents telling you that you HAD to be a fan. You had seen him flirting and making rude jokes to women. He had been flippant and brushed you off, clearly desperate to go to the women.

From then on, you noticed how sleezy and objectifying MP's could be, so you formed a hatred towards them, so when you died and saw Julian there, you can imagine how angry you were. He -of course- didn't recognize you, and truly didn't understand your hate for him or the government.

You often had arguments, wether over your opinion of the prime minister and their views and actions. Or over his stupid stories of his time in office.

' I ran it through MP's expenses! Great British tax payer covered it, wonderful idiots.' He said as he spoke of one of his expensive things he had payed for with the National tax payers money.

' excuse me?! I was one of those ' idiots'! We were lead to believe that money went to good causes like the NHS!!! And it went towards your great escapades?!?!' You fumed, yet again disagreeing with his acts.

' yes... well, your own fault really... shouldn't have paid it' he said dismissively.

' I HAD NO CHOICE! It was that or prison!!' You shouted, feeling yourself getting angrier and angrier by the minute. It's not as if you truly cared where the money went, it's just that Julian was boasting about his fraudulent activity and that HE had been the one to use that money.

' ah... yes... well... not much we can do about it now....' He said, awkwardly fixing his tie, as he did when either proud or uncomfortable.

You glared nastily at him before storming out, flicking him a finger that made Fanny protest,

Arguments like these were very common, sometimes you both just argued because you felt like it, if you woke up, in the mood for an argument, you would take it out on Julian, and vise versa.

Until one day the tension between you snapped. Because of course, you never ( during death ) truly hated him... it was just that he was the MP that put you off them.

It was the day of a wedding ( not the one from season 2 ), you, thomas and Julian were watching the bridesmaids getting ready and Julian was smirking and making comments about it, how at a real wedding he would have ' pinched them '

You and Thomas scoffed, him having not changed since the last wedding, you and Thomas got along well, due to your shared distaste for Julian and your like of poetry.

' these are gentlewomen! You cannot look at them and treat them in such a way sir!' Thomas protested

'Why? You know the worlds changed so much since I was in office, a pat on the bum wasn't such a bad thing back then!' Julian defended himself making you scowl.

' it's wrong because it's objectifying! How would you like it if someone constantly perved over you! It's gross' you grumbled at him, seeing an argument in the making, Thomas rolled his eyes, even he was sick of the arguments. So he left to go find Alison, leaving the two of you alone apart from the completely unaware women around you both.

' I mean, don't act like you don't everyday y/n, I see how you look at me ' Julian smirked, angering you even more, the bridesmaids around you completely oblivious to the tension around them.

' how dare you! I'd rather look at a frog than you! How disgusting' you protested, knowing every word of it was untrue, your hatred had faded more and more over the years, into attraction, but you wouldn't admit that, especially not in this moment, you did still disagree with his objectification of people.

' oh really? So what if I do this' he said before moving closer to you, you backed up but eventually fell into a chair, your eyes widening as he grabbed your chin, moving his face close enough to feel the breath that he didn't need to breath on your face.

You glared, knowing you should push him off, but you had wanted this for a long time... it was infuriating how well he knew you.

' I can see the conflict in your eyes love ' he muttered with a smug grin on his lips.

You didn't know if you wanted to punch or kiss him, so you chose the latter, pulling him in for a kiss.

Later, you walked into the living room a smile on your face, fairly uncharacteristically happy for you.

Fanny and captain frowned, ' what's got into you?' Fanny asked, as always looking as if she had a bitter taste in her mouth.

' oh nothing' you smiled. And sat down, to watch Julian's food club talk, unlike normal, you didn't interrupt him once. Afterwards Thomas pulled you aside.

' right what on earth is going on with you y/n, you haven't argued with him in hours... not that I'm complaining...'

You just smiled at Thomas and said ' I just realized maybe he's not so bad' before walking away with a smirk waiting for Thomas to jump to conclusions, that were correct.

' wait... HANG ON Y/N!'


So I hope this is ok and Julian is in character.

I hope enjoyed this and have a good day!


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