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Description: you had always been uncomfortable with your body type, but when Robin fell for you, he helped you realize you were perfect the way you were.

I feel like I could be a lot more diverse with my one shots, and I never really represent for people of different backgrounds and sizes. For this one reader will be plus size simply because that is something I personally relate to, however if you want me to do a one shot with any other body type or background for the character, feel free to message or comment to me! ( if it's something I can't relate to, I will probably ask you about it so I can be properly representative. )

Also I feel like we haven't had enough Robin love so here we are! :3

Y/n uses She/her pronouns

I really hope you enjoy this!


You had always struggled with your weight, always being judged unfairly for how you looked. You did get the odd compliment here and there, but with it being the 70s, people preferred women skinnier. It wasn't particularly diverse back then.

When you died during an incident to do with the lake, you had kept yourself to yourself, not really being used to having lots of friends and people to talk to, but the caveman - robin - managed to get you out of your shell.

He treated you no differently to anyone else, unlike your friends in life who treated you as if you were dim, no, Robin thought of you as equal to everyone else.

You quickly became close with Robin, and he became one of your favorite people at button house, if you were to be honest with yourself, you had a crush on the Caveman, but you never said anything.

During the 2010s, Robin realized he liked you, and unlike you, he made it blatantly obvious to you, never hiding his feelings, however you were completely oblivious to his flirting and his attraction to you.

Eventually Robin got sick of hinting and trying to get you to see that he liked you, so, he planned it perfectly, at 11 pm, the moon was full, and you could see every single star in the sky.

Robin grabbed your wrist, grumbling about something to show you, so you let him drag you outside, to one of the many fields on the button house plot, and he had you sit down.

' Robin, what are we-'

' shhh, listen.' He said softly, you sighed and stayed quiet for a moment before realizing what he meant, you listened to the sound of crickets and grasshoppers making noise in the grass around the field, you smiled at the sound.

Im sorry! Idk if there would be grasshoppers and crickets in that part of England but for arguments sake, there are.

Robin grinned back at you before looking up, you followed his gaze and marveled at the sky, yes you had been stargazing with Robin hundreds of times, but this time seemed different. It was special.

Robin then turned away from the stars and began speaking, ' I- uh.' He cleared his throat and tried to think of the right words, ' I like you y/n'

You glanced at Robin and smiled, ' I like you too Robin!'

Robin rolled his eyes at your obliviousness, ' no, like... really like you... like Thomas with izzybell.'

' oh... really? ... why?' You asked with a frown, this had never happened in your life, well except for guys who only liked you behind closed doors that is.

Robin was thrown off by this, ' huh? Why? Well... you're pretty... and you listen to Robin. You don't just tell me to shush.'

You weren't entirely sure what to say to all this, you weren't used to this situation, ' uhm... well I like you too Robin... the same way Thomas feels about Isabell' you chuckled at the comparison.

Robin grinned before looking back at the stars, you copied his action, you liked that things were simple with Robin, it didn't have to be a full blown conversation that got uncomfortable after a while.

' I mean it... you know? You're pretty y/n' Robin said with a smile, one that could light up the darkest of rooms.

You smiled, leaning your head on robins shoulder, ' thank you Robin... you are too'


I hope this was good! I tried my best to keep this to the whole Robin thing and not make it 100% about weight.

I really hope I did this justice

Thank you for reading! And thank you all for your lovely comments too!

I hope you enjoyed this

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