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.... I can't think of a description for the first time ever... I'm sorry, you'll have to be surprised ish 😭

Requested by: angelflower5973

I wasn't entirely sure if you wanted y/n to be older so their age isn't mentioned :)

Warnings: this may be sad or possibly? triggering? for some due to y/n having Alzheimer's

So as you've got from the warning, in this the reader has got Alzheimer's, I think Fanny and captain would be two who are more protective of someone with this problem, especially with them being older so they'll probably know more about it and know that they could have ended up with it had they not died the ways they did.

Y/n uses they/them pronouns

I really hope you enjoy this, I've done tons of research to write it but if anything is wrong, please let me know :)


Fanny and Captain were two of your best friends, after you had died, they very quickly caught on that you were in the early to possibly mid stages of Alzheimer's. Of course this couldn't get any worse for you due to being dead, however, you stay how you die, so it doesn't go away either.

You often hung around the house with the pair, or pat, he was another close friend of yours.

You always enjoyed Pats clubs, you thought they were a wonderful idea, something to do in the long eternity you all had there as ghosts.

You often took part in the clubs, sometimes standing up to talk.

' this week, y/n is going to do a talk on 2000s technology!' Pat had said once, you had died in 2009 so you enjoyed talking about the amazing tech that had come out

You stood up and began talking about things, like the blackberry phone, and Furbys

' well... uh, during the 2000s a hell of a lot of stuff came out, there was this toy for kids called furbys they were little robot type things that could speak... I think they could move too! They were really... uhm... what's the word' you stopped for a little while to try think of the word, feelings yourself getting more frustrated at your inability to remember it, ' oh! Fluffy! They were really fluffy' you continued

That was one of your regular problems, struggling to remember words.

You also found yourself forgetting conversations

' oh y/n! Remember that talk we had yesterday?' Julian said, Robin by his side, clearly trying to prove a point.

You frowned, ' which one?'

' about the uh... monster!' Julian grinned showing he had listened to you.

' I don't think so' you frowned at him, not remember anything about a monster.

' you know! The drink? You were telling me about?'

' I think you're getting a screw loose mate, I don't remember that' you chuckled before walking away.

' I said they wouldn't name a drink monster' Robin laughed, ' it be silly name'

Fanny especially found herself getting protective when Julian did this, ' Julian really? They are not a bargaining tool for you!' She would roll her eyes.

Julian would always splutter and insist he was only trying to prove Robin wrong.


'Humphrey, can you tell me about Henry the eighth? I've always wondered if it's all true what he did' you had asked once

' ooh yeah, what do you want to know?'

' hm... did he really compare Anne of Cleeves to a horse?' You chuckled

' ooh yeah! I remember that, she didn't take too kindly to it either'

You then went on to ask a load more questions, like:

' did he really only eat meat?'

' yes, he was well known for believing that vegetables were for common folk'

' and was it true? About the head bump'

' ooh yeah, my father told me all about that, quite a nasty fall at that'

You enjoyed talking to Humphrey, he was always very patient with you, and you loved learning about Tudor times.

' and did he really call Anne of cleeves a horse?' You repeated the question, forgetting you had already asked that.

' you've asked that already y/n' Humphrey said softly with a smile, ' but yes, he did'

All the ghosts tried to be understanding with you, kitty didn't really understand why you had such big mood swings and you struggled with words and asked questions repetitively, but she always tried to help you feel better when you were feelings down, which happened fairly often.

' y/n! I- oh... uhm. Are you alright?' She asked, as she had been rushing to tell you about the film she had just watched.

' hm? Oh I'm fine... just feeling a bit blue' you said quietly.

' oh... can I help?'

You loved the ghosts you got 'stuck with'.

People may think that you all have a weird dynamic, getting angry one minute and being close the next, but these were your family.


I really hope this is alright! I tried really hard to get this all factually correct.

I hope you enjoyed this
Have a good day

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