Senarios: when theyre jealous/who theyre jealous of

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Hey so I wanted to do this again cuz I can't think of anything else

And also I adore writing jealousy because the emotion is really interesting to me and also it makes a good prompt 😭

By the way, for these ( EXCEPT CAPTAIN) gender doesn't matter, but with captain it's either gender neutral or male :)


Robin: ok so, this man doesn't really do jealousy, he literally doesn't even believe in monogamy, however, one person who pushes his buttons is Thomas, robin will fight Thomas and win quite happily, but when Thomas is flirting with you, it drives robin insane. I think when he's jealous, he will either fight the person he's jealous of, or, flaunt that he has you to himself, by either sitting on your knee, holding your hand or anything like that.

I recently read something about how robin would sit on his partner's knee, and I absolutely love that headcannon.

Humphrey: despite his humor and overall cheerful demeanor, he is really self conscious, and he will get jealous, when he is jealous, he will start thinking he isn't good enough, especially since 90% of the time, he physically can't do anything about it other than speak, which no one listens to. I think he would be jealous of Julian, because you would be good friends with him, which would obviously mean slight flirtatious comments from julian.

Mary: we all know, if she doesn't agree with something, she's going to say it ( in later series' anyway), so when she's jealous, though not immediately, I think she would tell you, but before she tells you, she's going to be by your side and trying to get you out of the situation that meant you were being flirted with. I don't think she specifically has someone she's jealous of, but if someone is blatantly flirting with you, it's going to upset her.

Kitty: she gets herself very, very upset, as we saw in the Lucy episodes, she will literally cry and then she's going to pick at little things the person she's jealous of does, again, I don't think there's anyone in particular she would be jealous of, but if you started spending time with someone more than her, she will be upset and either just run off or make it quite obvious that she's upset about it, by either picking at what they do or say, or just trying to get your attention.

Thomas: ok, this man does jealous VERY well, and because he can get wrapped up in things like that, he will make it obvious, either by attempting to fight, or being bitchy ( another thing he does very well), he's gonna be jealous of a lot of people, Julian especially. Julian intimidates him because of his experience with women, men and everyone else.

Fanny: ok so, because of her husband and his cheating, she's going to be jealous, however, if you're with her, you are gonna be a shy type, so it's likely anyone else flirting with you, will either go over your head or make you uncomfortable, and Fanny would not like that, she's going to storm in, tell whoever it is to stop being so rude and disrespectful and then pull you away. Much like kitty and Mary, she isn't particularly jealous of one specific person, it's just whoever flirts with you. Possibly Humphrey if he gives it a shot but unlikely :)

Captain: this man... Jesus, he can do jealous very well, however, unlike Thomas, he doesn't make it AS obvious, he likes to think he's subtle but he's actually the furthest thing from it. He will glare, he will try get you to go do something with him instead, he's going to be by your side, back straight, trying to seem intimidating. Now, I believe he would quite possibly be jealous of anyone that flirts with you, however Julian, much like with many of the others, is going to be the one he's most jealous of, because he's livelier, and has a bit more flare ( in captains eyes anyway), so Julian would be the one he's jealous of the most, but only if he tries it on too much.

Pat: this man has issues. Let's be honest, he would be terrified that he would drive you away, and lay awake thinking about it. Of course he wouldn't, you are very different to carol, and he knows that, but it still haunts him, the idea of losing you. When he's jealous he gets very down and then eventually snaps at whoever is trying it on with you. I think Thomas is going to be the one he's jealous of, mainly because he's younger and pat is well aware that Thomas will shamelessly flirt with someone ( much like with Alison.)

Julian: ok so, he doesn't fully do jealous, like, he knows that he has had the most relationships, probably out of everyone put together in the house, so he's cocky and knows it, however if someone makes you uncomfortable, that's a different story. to date him, you'd either be a shy type or a VERY fiery person, if you're shy, he will stand up for you, if someone say makes you uncomfortable and make it very clear that he was apart of the boxing thingy, and would fight that person physically. However, if you're fiery, he's going to literally stand and watch you argue for yourself, however if it got too much, he will literally just go over and pick you up and take you out the room. As I said, he doesn't do jealous, however I think he would have his eye on Thomas because of the flirting he attempts to do.


I hope this is ok, I quite like these scenario's because they make it easier to delve into a character and also it lets me give them all a bit more chance to be written a bit more, as we all know, this fandom doesn't have enough content, I wish to change that.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this.

Have a good day


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