Rock-Hard Determination

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~{Author's Pre-Notes}~

(PikaMew wakes up, no longer wearing the red hat with the M on it, and now looks to be where a blue shirt with purple stripes. He looked up to see that he had fallen from high above onto a patch of golden flowers.)

Well, guess I shouldn't have been wandering through a large mountain all alone. Now I'm stuck in this underground. Hopefully, there are no evil monsters down here.

Oh, hey everyone, PikaMew here, and I hope you are ready for another chapter of Pokémon Wonders of the World. I mean, I know I was looking forward to writing this chapter. Anyway, let's get to the introductions. Previously, our two heroes were thankfully able to save Riolu after what had happened in the Viridian Forest. Though, while recuperating, Riolu told Red and Leaf about his tragic past. Luckily, our two heroes were able to make the young Pokémon feel a little better. Also, Mew had decided to leave the group and stay with Professor Oak, hoping to keep its friends safe. But, what was it that it saw that was talking to it?

Anyway, now our boy and his Fire-type friend have seemed to have bumped into a friendly face. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

As for me, time to see where this cave goes.

(A golden flower with a face appears)
"Howdy, I'm Flowey."

Well, this is strange.


Day 1
~{Viridian Forest- 9:30 PM}~

Both Red and Brock gazed at each other, puzzled by their reason for being in Viridian Forest this late.

"Oh! You're Brock! The Pewter City Gym Leader!" Red exclaimed.

"Why, yes I am. And who are you?" Brock asked.

"I'm Red from Pallet Town. And this my partner Charmander!"

"Wait, you're that guy from earlier! With the girl and the Bulbasaur and Riolu! Wow! I'm glad you were all able to make it out of here safely. May I ask about the Riolu? How is he?"

"Thankfully, he's being healed up in the Pokémon Center. However, he suffered some severe injuries. We were able to get him help before things took a turn for the worse. Though, I'm still worried about him." Red voiced solemnly.

"I understand. It pains me to see Pokémon get hurt. Especially if people force their own Pokémon just to harm others." Brock voiced with a saddened look.

The two guys stood in silence for a few seconds before changing subjects.

"So, what are you doing here at night? Aren't you worried there might be more of those people?" Red questioned.

"I should be asking you the same! As a Gym Leader, it's my responsibility to ensure the safety of others." Brock chuckled.

"Hey! I asked first." Red pointed a finger a Brock.

Brock chuckled. "Fine, I'll go first. I came here to clean up this place. There were still a bit of things that the police didn't take when they took the criminals away. Those bad guys did a number on this side of the forest. I'd hate to leave it like this. So I want to get it back to the way it was. Now, why are you here?" Brock reversed the question to Red.

"Well, I saw you coming this way and wanted to make sure you were all right. Seeing as what happened here, I was a little worried there were still more of those Team Rocket people here." Red answered, giving a genuine smile.

Brock placed a hand on his chin, finding quite an interest in Red. "That's quite noble of you. Thanks. Anyway, I'm going to spend some time cleaning this place up."

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