Panic in the Lab

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~Author's Pre-Notes}~

(A chibi-looking Mew steps out of an Animal Crossing house)

Hoi! PikaMew here! Just wanted to say something before you start reading! Since this is chapter 10, I wanted to have this chapter turn in a different direction and focus on some other characters. Some you may recognize. And also, look forward to the next chapter too as we will be returning back to following our best boi Red and the precious Leaf.

But anyway, just want to say thanks to everyone who takes their time to read my fic, love you guys.

Now, on to the chapter!

(Turns to see that the house is expanding. Oh no! It's going to explode!)

Hmm, I should probably step out of the way.


Day 2
~{Pallet Town- Oak's Lab- 11:40 AM}~

"These are quite the readings I'm seeing." Professor Oak uttered, sitting inside his office along with Mew, writing and typing information down and collecting data to better understand Mew and the mysteries that have yet to be uncovered about it.

"Alright, Mew. From the scan that I got of you earlier, I was able to find some interesting things so far. The status of the venom that was inside of you is almost completely gone from you. So, at least we know that your body is immunizing itself from the harmful chemicals."

"Mew?" Mew tilted its head but soon became distracted by itself by flying around the room playfully.

Oak gave a soft chuckle from seeing Mew float around. Seeing the mythical Pokémon loaf around made the man feel like he should take a break.

"Perhaps, I should relax for a bit. Researching sure can be exhausting."

He stood up from his chair and called to Mew.

"Hey, Mew. How about we go get some food and then we can come back? I haven't eaten all morning." Oak admitted as he rubbed his stomach.

"Myuhuhu!" Mew coed with excitement.

"Glad to hear. Well, let's get g-"

Before Oak could finish his sentence, a loud crash of a window breaking was heard within the main lab.


"Huh!? What was that!?"

Suddenly, all the lights turned off within the building, including the computers and all other electronics. The sound of voices could be heard from the main lab. Professor Oak became worried and quickly closed the door to his office. He pressed his ear to the door, hoping to hear any voices on the other side. "What's going on?" He whispered.

"Find it! That Pokémon has to be here!" Shouted a voice from the other side of the door.

"A Pokémon?" Oak pondered.

The Professor turned to Mew with a solemn look. "Mew, I need you to stay here. I don't know what's going on out there, but I'm going to try to find out and see what's going on."

Mew became worried, knowing that something dangerous was going to happen. It wanted to go with Professor Oak, knowing that if it was something dangerous he was definitely going to need help.

"Mew mew!"

"Please, Mew! I need you to stay! This is serious!"

Mew nodded sincerely and turned invisible. Oak gave a soft nod at Mew before slightly opening the door and carefully exiting out.

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