The Cerulean Mermaid

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~{Author's Pre-Notes}~

(A Mew, now appearing more blocky than usual, ventured through a dark cave mining for diamonds.)

Hoi! PikaMew has arrived! Before you begin reading, I just wanted to mention something! I intended to devote the next 2 chapters to Misty and then move on to the gym battle after, only because I ended up writing a lot more than I anticipated.

I also wanted to bring up something important before you start reading...

My birthday is just in a couple of weeks, or maybe days... It's close. That's what's important. I feel old. Hopefully I get to finish the next chapter just in time for my b-day and for you to see when that will be.

But anyway, I just want to say thank you to everyone who takes time out of their day to read my fic, love you all.

Now then, let's get back to the chapter!

~{PikaMew- May 29, 2022}~

Day 3
~{Route 24- Nugget Bridge - 6:40 AM}~

Misty stared at the boy that stood a few feet away from her, wondering who he was.

"Wow, I was bummed when I heard that you might be gone for a while, but I didn't expect to meet you so soon!" Red smiled.

Misty previous worries got placed on hold as her curiosity about the young male got in the way. She tilted her head in confusion as she removed herself from the railing she had been sulking on.

"I'm not sure I follow? We're you looking for me?" Misty asked.

"My bad. I forgot to explain." Red brushed the back of his head in embarrassment. "My name's Red, and yes I've sort of been looking for you."

Misty stopped to think as she had remembered hearing that name before. "Red... Red...Do you by any chance happen to know a girl named Leaf!?"

"Why, yes! How did you...?" Red questioned.

"I was in Route 4 yesterday and met a girl named Leaf and she had told me about a boy named Red," Misty remembered.

"Really!? Did she mention anything in particular?" Red blushed.

Misty circled around the boy, curiously examining him. "She didn't mention much. She told me that you were quite an energetic and fiery person. And I gotta say, you do fit the description."

"Well, I wouldn't consider myself as energetic or fiery." Red expressed his opinion on his personality.

"Oh really...?" Misty narrowed her eyes with a look of derision. "From the way you were acting when you saw me just now, I'd say you are."

"Alright, fine. I guess I do act like that, sometimes. Red admitted. "By, hey. It's what defines us."

"That's true." Misty giggled.

Misty turned towards the direction Mt. Moon lay, resting her arms on the railing of Nugget Bridge. "So, where you from?" She asked out of curiosity.

Red rested his arms next to Misty as he answered."I'm from Pallet Town. I'm sure you've probably heard of it. Small town. Just south of Viridian City."

"Oh yeah. I've heard of it." Misty commented. "So what brings a small-town boy like yourself out here? Red from Pallet Town."

Red chuckled at how Misty referred to him. "Mostly, I'm just trying to explore the world. Travel around Kanto and discover things I have never seen before finding all sorts of Pokémon. Plus, I got my Pokémon with me, Leaf, and my rival Blue. It's a thing we're all doing together."

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