||Don't let go||

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• homophobic people
• Jughead is in a psychiatry

"Jughead?" The young and sweet nurse asked, opening the door of the boys room "Phone for you" the raven haired boy laid in the bed, facing the wall.

"If it's Archie, I don't want it. Tell him that I'm asleep or something like that" she sighed but nodded and closed the door behind her, leaving "I'm sorry, but Mr. Jones is not available right now, he is asleep"

Archie just knew him too good, he didn't fall so easily for one of his lies and Jughead knew this.

"Don't tell me bullshit - sorry for the the language. But he never falls asleep before midnight, tell me the truth at least, please" Julie sighed once again while sitting down on the receiving desk.

"This is the truth, Mr. Andrews. I'm sorry that you can't talk to him but he is asleep. Goodbye, Mr. Andrews"

"Wait, I want to tal-" the call ended. Archie sighed, staring at his phone. Well, if the phone doesn't work, then he can at least write a letter. Maybe that helps.

"Jughead, you have two new letters" the raven haired boy, once again, laid on his bed. His arms were folded behind his head, just like always when Julie entered the room. Always the same position except that this time he faced the window and not the ceiling.

"If they are from Archie, throw them in the trashcan" he said, face blank.

"Your redhead really cares about you" Julie pointed out.

"That's the problem"

"Why?" the raven haired boy shrugged, noticing how the tears already started to water his eyes.

"I don't know... he cares too much and then again not enough to uh... t-to be more then friends, outside of dark rooms and so on"

"Is that really the reason?" Julie asked softly. Jughead gave a small nod "Jughead, Reggie outed you in school without you knowing. Where you ready for getting outed?" the boy on the bed shook his head and swallowed "And now think about the situation Archie is in. If you two would go out and hold hands in school, it will out him too"

The raven haired boy turned his body to face her, in thought.

"I never saw it like that" he mumbled after a few seconds. Julie gave him a soft smile.

"Well, think about it. Maybe then you'll have a better view on why 'Archie cares too much but at the same time not enough'"

"I will, thanks" Julie nodded and went over to the door.

"Do you need something? A glass water? Or an apple? Or yoghu-"

"I'm fine, Julie. You can go and have your break now" the raven haired boy cut her off, a slight smile on his face. Julie was just too nice to be on the station.

"How do you even?"

"Oh please. I'm a smartass and have nothing else to do but observe other people, so I know for a fact that you are taking your break right now" Jughead rolled his eyes, chuckling.

"Well, maybe instead you should start writing again. I heard you're a good writer?" and just as the smile and self confidence came from Jughead, they were gone.

Jarchie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now