||Save me||

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• plays in 01x13

Cheryl hasn't texted them back and because she's been acting weird the whole day, the squad went to go and find her.

They did find her, at Sweet Water River.

But maybe they should have checked the ice before going on it...

The four of them sat in the student lounge. Betty and Jughead on one couch, Archie on a chair and Veronica on his lap, though it was totally platonic. While Betty and the raven haired boy were invested in a conversation, Archie could just listen in on them while being on his phone. Would he enjoy having his boyfriend on his lap so that he could play with his curls? Yes. But he came late to break and when he arrived at the student lounge, the two were already so deep in their bubble that he didn't want to interrupt.

Though then, Veronica suddenly looked up.

"Guys... where would Cheryl go to be with her brother...?" she asked hesitantly and they all stayed quiet until Betty blurted out the first thing that came to her mind and would make sense.

"Sweatwater River" the place where Jason Blossom died, just a half year ago. Veronica jumped up from her place on Archie's lap, who groaned at the sudden movement. Though she didn't give the others time to react before grabbing Betty's hand and heading out of the room.

"V, what's going on? What happened?"

"There's no time for that, we have to go there now. I think that Cheryl is about to do something" Archie and Jughead locked eyes before getting up as well and heading after the two girls. Veronica stopped in front of his car and waited for Archie to unlock it before they all sat down in a seat. Not only 10 minutes later, they arrived at Sweatwater River and Archie parked the car before they all got out and started walking around the shore, calling out for their friend.

At least until Veronica came to a halt.

"Over there, guys!" she yelled, pointing over to the other side. Surely they all saw the silhouette but if it wouldn't have been for the red hair, they all would have probably overlooked her in the white dress and her silk skin, surrounded by ice and snow. Her rosy and tear streamed cheeks only became visible once the four of them came close, though then Archie stopped the two girls from walking any further.

"We don't know how thick the ice is, it could break"

"It can hold Cheryl, it can surely hold us too then" Veronica mumbled before pushing away from Archie and then starting to run over to Cheryl. They didn't have a chance but to follow her on the ice, right? Though shortly before Veronica arrived and was close enough to grab her arm - or just something - Cheryl had already broken through the ice.

"Cheryl!" the four of them started to crawl on the ice, pushing away snow in order to see if they could find Cheryl. Though Jughead also always kept an eye on his beloved, since Archie has a little hero complex and he doesn't need him to break in the ice too. Once Archie had seen a glimpse of red hair under the ice, he immediately started punching it. He punched and punched and his hands hurt but he couldn't stop, they had to safe her. So he punched until the water on the ice was already red before it broke in order to reach down in the dark, hoping that he will have a grip of Cheryl in order to pull her out, just something. Meanwhile Jughead couldn't help but stay there, frozen, while holding both girls back - thankfully they didn't protest much.

It was all good. Until they heard a crack. Jughead looked around, until he found the place where the ice had broken. He held his breath, locking eyes with Archie who looked at him just as helpless. He shook his head, already knowing what was coming from his boyfriend now.

"Betty, Ronni, I want you to leave the ice now and go back on the land, okay? Call an ambulance and don't come back. Jug and I can handle this, I promise. But we need to loose weight, so the ice won't break even more" he said calmly, while now having a grasp of Cheryl, but it wouldn't calm Jughead down. It wasn't possible. His boyfriend was the closest to the hole, he would surely fall the first, right? And then him and then Betty and then Veronica and oh God-

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